
Monday, November 1, 2010

Urantia-India : The Urantia Book Site for Indians

An introduction to the first Indian website dedicated to the Urantia Book

The Urantia Book got printed in the year 1955 in the USA. I was born in India a few months later! Though I became a chemical engineer by learning many books printed in the USA and got chances to read many other books not connected with my profession, this book never came to my notice till 2008.

But fortunately for me, it came to my notice at last ! First it was on line free reading, but then I got my printed personal copy delivered from the USA at my home in India within a few months. Right from my childhood, I have been a book worm. I have been a voracious reader and lover of books for most part of my life. I used to admire the gift of wrting of many renowned authors. Initially it used to be more of fiction or science fiction or fiction made out of historical events. Science and engineering books and periodicals also were there. Later I started giving attention to religious and philosophical books. But in all these, I started getting bored as the element of human wisdom was not making my inner self enthused to the extent it used to be earlier.

Then came the Urantia Book. My God ! It was different. I saluted the wisdom of the author who wrote it after reading a few pages online!

Then came the greatest surprise and the fact that made me to take this book more seriously. That was the finding that this book has no human author. It has many authors and that they were not humans.

It was difficult to believe !

But the initial skepticism changed to admiration and later to the subtle realization of God's love to his lowly intelligent creations like me.

My views on my life changed.

Now I find a purpose  to my life and the realization that God and His administration is not an imagination of humans but a reality as my existence here.

Every  reading of this book's writings makes my mind rejuvinated. And that's the wonder of the Urantia Book! No other book could give that to me.

Yet, to understand the Urantia Book better, knowledge of other religious books, like the Bible, Science, History and Philosophy makes some positive difference.

While getting some treasure of a thing like the Urantia Book, I can possibly do either of the two things- keep the knowledge only to me without sharing it with any one, just as any common man do with treasure he had found. Or, cry out 'Eureka!' just as Archemedes had done!

I wanted to adopt the latter. I wanted to tell all about this treasure. I thought people would share my enthusiasm in knowing this great knowledge!

To my surprise, it was not to be like that. I found the majority just didnot care. They have much more 'important' things to keep their minds engaged!

Even those who chance to come across it with the necessary background keep considering it a book of curse from Satan. Because it is the imprinted fear that dominate the minds of the majority people as far as spirituality is concerned. For most of them, it is almost impossible to come out of such fears!

They just do not want to know or even touch this book!

Then, a great truth struck my mind. The 'religiously' oriented people, the well-connected people and those who were the so-called wealthy afflent class, mostly rejected Jesus Christ and made him crucified for the gospel of God's love he taught. Later, when the majority started believing Jesus as God, the clever affluent jumped in to take the leadership and made the many fold christian religions (denominations).

That's how the minds of the majority people work. There is nothing surprising in this kind of behaviour ! The Urantia Book explains the reasons behind this psychology of the common people.

For those from India, inclined to read this book, I have a website dedicated to the Urantia Book and to India: (Click this hyperlink to visit this website!)

But unfortunately as of now, my country men and women may not be curious or inclined to read and explore this wonderful book of revealed truths. That too is a truth based on my experience!