
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Engineering Education in India: Some Suggestions from a 'Practising Engineer'

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I was born in Independent India. India happened to be one of the least developed countries in the world in those days, but with a civilization and culture that many countries did not have. The majority of Indians used to be illiterate, but there were a number of nations which were much backward than India as far as literacy was concerned. Indian population also used to be much less at about 30 % of what it is now. 

But the new democratic republic of India also inherited a rich legacy of infrastructure and systems from its predecessors as far as education is concerned. But over the years, while almost all the nations of the world had achieved a literacy rate above 90%, India failed miserably in that front. Education has become a matter of much controversy in India. Much experimentation has taken place in this front. In the special area of engineering of education, the Indian education experiments have resulted in unprecedented growths, surpassing all other areas, resulting in a situation of extreme imbalance. 

When I was a student of engineering way back in the Nineteen Seventies, there were only six  engineering colleges in my home state Kerala. Out of this three were owned by the Central/state governments and the rest three by religious societies- one Hindu, one Muslim and one Christian. Another technological university by the government was being planned.

The total intake of engineering students in to all these colleges should have been not more than one thousand. The total passouts of engineers from these at that time should have been of the order of 600-700 per annum.

The method of admission was based on the percentage marks obtained for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at the higher secondary school (at that time Pre-Degree Course which used to be held by the University level) examination. With a PCM percentage a bit above 85, I remember getting general quota admission call letters from all colleges and for all courses !

I remember writing the admission tests of the IITs and the Roorkee University (now IIT-R) but not succeeding. To be frank, we in the rural settings never imagined that there could be separate coaching classes for such tests! Ofcourse IIT test coachings had been in existence at that time also, but mostly in the cities!

So it was my dream to get into an IIT which later I did at my PG level.

While entering into engineering I had pretty high aspirations about my future engineering education. I was going to learn the secrets of modern development and progress. So was my thinking!

To be very honest, I found the engineering education for most part, devised in such a way that it suppresses all earnest creativity and eagerness for invention, research or even keenness for overall competency development.

The reason for this was mainly due to the incompetency of most of the faculty members to relate theory and practice. Most engineering college faculty members never had any actual industrial experience! They entered academic profession straight away from their institutes, doing a BTech, MTech or PhD and what they knew was mostly what was mugged up from the literature or text books!

There were exceptions. For example, the University of Roorkee at that time had a few faculty members who had some past industrial experience. Those professors and teachers were far more superior in their teaching methods and theirs were the lectures that really inspired and motivated us.

I always used to wonder why these engineering colleges and institutes have pretty low connection with the industry. Why cann't they induct more experienced engineers from the industry to the teaching side?

One of the first job I got after my studies was in teaching side. Though I had an inclination towards teaching, I declined that just not to become an inexperienced text book teacher of engineering to the youngsters! At that time I thought of getting into teaching after some years of industrial experience!

But, in India, this is not an easy thing. At least that is what I learnt later.

Academy and industry work in air tight compartments. The governments, universities and their rule makers have created such a scenario that it is difficult for engineering colleges to appoint experienced engineers from the industry as teaching staff. Movement of engineer academicians to the industry is also not very common, as the pure line engineering academicians lack real time engineering experience!

The reasons for such a scenario are many. But the prime reason is the absurd stipulation that the universities and the authorities have made with regard to the minimum qualifications for teaching. For a professor's post in engineering they stipulate a minimum PG or PhD level education in engineering regardless of the experience. Whereas it is common knowledge that most of the working engineers in the industry at any level have only a degree in engineering. They have gained years of actual practical knowledge in engineering whether it is in research, design, project implementation, operation, maintenance, technical management, etc after their degree level education. For the experienced engineers, a later day college education to get a PG or PhD does not add much value, unless it is for some specific purpose to gain more theoritical knowledge! 

Good technocrats and engineering managers who have only a degree in engineering, but years of practical experience have better pay and facilities that they normally should not bother to switch their career to teaching side. But even those who have an inclination and liking to teaching and those who have gained years of working experience, who think of sharing their industrial knowledge to the younger generations, are restrained to do so due to such illogical rules and stipulations.

The governments, for good or bad, have allowed mushrooming of engineering colleges in the past decade. There are hundreds of engineering colleges in every state now, mostly contolled by private societies and trusts. Since they are allowed to take a fee much larger than they actually need to run their institutions, most of them have fine infrastructure, much better than even the national level IITs. But what they really lack is experienced teachers. Since most of these colleges have students having academic skills not comparable to those students who get into the firstline institutes, they infact need teachers and guides who ought to be more matured and seasoned with more practical knowledge than textbook knowledge!

Most of these colleges have been managing with a few retired professors with PhDs at senior positions for quite some time now. The remaining majority comprises of graduates and post-graduates straight from the colleges, many of them later acquiring their research degrees under the so-called Quality Improvement Programmes (QIP). As it was in our times, the situation remains the same. The majority engineering college teachers are without any real engineering experience other than teaching ! So the legacy of Indian engineering education continues in the same manner as it used to be or even worse without any improvements as regard to industry-institute interactions!

There is not effort to bench mark the Indian engineering education with that of the developed nations. It should be worth recalling the fact that in the west, the most advanced scientific and engineering developments take place in the engineering and technological universities and institutes! What happens in India on the other hand at the best could be publication of research papers without any 'actual' or worthwhile research!  

I remember some management persons connected to some of the private engineering colleges admitting the sorry state of affairs in this context. Unfortunately there is no forum for them to raise their feelings and opinions. The policy makers in engineering education is the body called AICTE, the individual members of which are influential and 'well-connected' academicians who care little for others' views and voices ! Regrettably the politicians and the bureaucrats are novices in this front having no expertise to develop their own independent decisions without advice from such bodies!

Unfortunately, we Indians do not even try to make use of the experienced NRIs having excellent experience in many fields connected with engineering and technology in the developed nations. We find it to our own vested advantage to work or behave as 'frogs in the well'!

On the other hand the scenario in the industry is also not very encouraging.

The HR departments of most of the industries are filled with novices with no experience in the selection of appropriately experienced technical people. How can a non technical HR man guage the experience or expertise that  is most suited for a technical job? All they do is mechanical assessment, which keeps the real experts out of bay, making their business suffer pretty much if they happen to do business in technically oriented things! Here too the business leaders go by the advice of someone below, not necessarily someone who knows the things well.

Why India does not keep pace with the rest of the world is because of 'small' things like this.

It is high time that both government and industry think and device of ways by which movement of engineers from industry to academics and vice versa is facilitated without much hurdles. Requirements of PG/PhD should be waived off for experienced engineers who are otherwise suited for teaching. Similarly, industry leaders should think of inducting engineers with teaching and research experience to appropriate levels in the industry.

In short, there should be a situation facilitating easier movement of engineers from both sides!

Such things will greatly help industry-academy interactions in actuality and help the young aspiring engineering students to get more exposure to the realities of engineering profession while in the colleges itself to decide upon their future career planning wisely. Industry would benefit.

The country would also, no doubt benefit.

But who is there to listen to these ?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Technical education is a must, there are lots of students having very sound technical knowledge but due to lack of proper information are unable to grab a right job.The article you have shared here is very useful.
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  3. Thanks for the suggestion given by practising engineer.This is surely wonderful guidance.

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  5. Engineering Education in India: Your Suggestions of 21 January 2012

    You have every right to write about the engineering education system in India. I have also a dream that one day, someone in India; will take the initiative to change the entire educational system. I have thoroughly studied your writings and totally agree to your views. Perhaps you should have sent this blog to a newspaper (if they dare to print)!

    I had the same experience about entrance into a reputed institution in early 60’s. I was hardly 18, so I took a diploma in Refrigeration. This was in 1962. Later I worked in Blue Star, Allied Motors (Rootes Group) and finally started my own workshop, which I closed in early 1970. I left India for good. I had a work permit for Canada, a job and the entrance for Calgary Technical University.

    I never arrived in Canada, but instead landed in Denmark in 1970. Having worked for more than 40 years in DK, I retired in 2009, but still a technical advisor for my company. I have now in my baggage a graduation in Mechanical engineering from a Danish Technical University, designed and developed the largest Heat Pump (11 MW); developed spray drying and fluid bed drying equipment, systems and processes. Furthermore, developed the largest engineering standards database (7 years work) being globally used by 6000 engineers. I was the first non-Danish qualifying the engineering degree in DK, and the first in the senior management team of a reputed multi-national Danish/German company.

    “While entering into engineering I had pretty high aspirations about my future engineering education. I was going to learn the secrets of modern development and progress. So was my thinking!”

    “To be very honest, I found the engineering education for most part, devised in such a way that it suppresses all earnest creativity and eagerness for invention, research or even keenness for overall competency development. The reason for this was mainly due to the incompetency of most of the faculty members to relate theory and practice. Most engineering college faculty members never had any actual industrial experience! They entered academic profession straight away from their institutes, doing a BTech, MTech or PhD and what they knew was mostly what was mugged up from the literature or text books!”

    I fully agree. All lecturers, professors must have the industrial experience before educating others. This is the case in DK. I think we have totally misunderstood the basics of engineering and technology in India.

    I was technical director for a Danish/Indian joint venture company in Baroda. I was supposed to stay for three years with family, but left India after one year. I will come-up with more comments to your blog. In fact, you write precisely the way I always think of the Indian situation.

    Suresh Charnalia

    1. Thank you for sharing that valuable feedback. Let us hope those in authority would not keep their minds closed for ever !

    2. intentionally they will close their ear and eyes. They feel fear about Industry people. culprit is AICTE who wants new Btech ( useless ) should do Mtech in those new private engineering college. Fortunately all engineering college will have presser from society for their jobless student. All the professor should follow the proverbs "If the student do not get jobs the teacher will loose the job".

    3. Yes very useful article. We also have body of research on Engineering education and

  6. Thanks for your suggestion its a really give nice guidance to people like us want to do engineering.

  7. Thanks for Sharing Such a Informative Blogs....

    1. Sir has written very informative article. Thank you.

  8. thank u for this blog, very informative

  9. Such a great information proving engineering education in India. Engineering education is the activity of teaching knowledge and principles related to the professional practice of engineering. It includes the initial education for becoming an engineer and any advanced education and specialization that follow. Thanks a lot!

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  10. Hi Dear. I like your blog post. It contains awesome information.

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  11. Forget the faculty we don't even have good books on engineering subjects in India. Only books of foreign writers has some standard, but they are so costly that average poor students can't afford them, plus all the engineering syllabus in India is from the stone age and hence students are learning nothing and are of zero value to today's modern multi national corporations.

  12. Today I was reading a report in the newspapers which said about a survey conducted by some organizations on the english language competency of engineering college graduates. A massive 7,50,000 fresh engineers passed out from the engineering colleges of India last year, the report says. More than 50 percent of these graduates do not have basic knowledge in english grammar. What do they do with no effective communication skills is anyones' guess ! The media also reported the reaction of the AICTE chairman who rubbished the survey findings. That is understandable as he is there to defend the policies of engineering education in India. A policy which made a good majority to become officially certified engineers by spending a fortune and without understanding what engineering really is !

  13. Engineering is very wide topic ..students forget the real meaning of engineering it not all about to read books or getting degrees its special......but i like your article its nice to read

  14. There are no. colleges that provide engineering coerces in india govt. as well as private but not all the students fulfill their dreams to become a good engineer its a fault of education post is very nice and provide a lot of useful information about engineering.

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  16. Thanks for giving good suggestion. I really appropriate you.
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    1. I hope you are appreciating and not appropriating me. Thanks any way and best wishes !

  17. Its really good topic about engineering education in India and it definitely can help others of first writing also. Keep up on working good article like this.

  18. okay guys this is a wonderful thing i've hit.
    I'm a very ambitious student studying outside india(NRI) and am planning to do engineering (doing A LEVELS ATM) but after reading all this i dont know what to do . it'd be great if anyone over here could help me out :D

    1. You should not get demoralised. Remember that our governments plan the formal education system for the purpose of licensing and not for imparting real knowledge and skills.For various reasons they cannot do it better.

      Treat formal education that way. But pursue your ambition to acquire skills and knowledge as a personal mission. You will find success.

  19. good post.,! :) Here is my view on engineering and education..
    please do read.. Also suggestions welcome.. :)

    1. Dear Mr Aboobakkar,

      I read your blog as in the link provided. Yes, you expressed it rightly. We have developed such moronic systems in India which force every one who become a part of those systems to behave in the same manner. An escape from it seems extremely difficult unless every one earnestly think and act to come out of it. Common sense is a big casualty in this country. The incompetent majority every where seems to pull down any genius who gets into action here and there occassionally. I knew a boy who was an extra ordinary genious in electronics while he was in the high school and was just an ordinary one in his formal studies. Some how through the donation route his parents got him admitted to a private engg college to nurture his electronic talents. Unfortunately that was the final blow for him to wipe out his talents that he passed out with an Engg degree in Electronics minus the real talent that was in him earlier !

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    1. Engineering is no doubt, one of the best career options which also has the potential to do wonders towards the progress and development of any society. Had our policy planners a bit with true engineering minds, we could have transformed engineering education in such a way that it resulted in making the engineers perform to their highest potential with real joy of work !

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  31. education is very important in todays life because it will increase not only economically but also socially condition of a person. education quality will depends on faculties. if teacher have knowledge and experience then he can teach students easily. but now a days most of teachers are not want to become a teacher but they become while they don't get jobs of their choice these type of teacher will not teach students seriously and in a good way. so this is a reason why technical education is not have a level standard.
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  32. This is a very nice article and superb analysis . I just wanted to say, i am satisfied that you simply shared this useful information with us. I truly appreciate this post Friend .

  33. Sir, I feel extremely proud that someone is there to raise voice on such a controversial topic. I am also an engineering student as besides the problems of labs and equipment we face a severe problem of faculty. Our faculty is just freshers and knows nothing not even the bookish knowledge. The basic trouble is that these b tech freshers come raw to teaching and work at a very low salary of approx-14000-16000 rupees. That's why management hire them to just fill the posts and not to educate students. I really want that government should make efforts in this regard. I also request you if you can make any change in it.

    1. The government should make efforts in this regard. That is our wishful thinking. However, such a thing unfortunately never happens in our country due to many reasons beyond the control of any one person. That explains why India is a 'perpetually' developing nation, never ever attaining development in some acceptable level. In India, we do not have a system wherein the top organizational hierarchy can get truthful feedbacks about the shortcomings of the system and take corrective actions.

    2. the law makers of our country are all chairmen of trusts of educational institutes offering higher education.why wud they make laws against themselves?

  34. I have seen tremendous growth over the past decade in Engineering education in India. There are many engineering colleges available in India which are capable to provide world class education to their students.

    1. You are right Rahul. The infrastructure in many of the new engg colleges in India are much superior as compared to many of the government run institutions. But what we actually lack is the shortage of faculty having both industrial and academic experience who could act as both teachers as well as mentors to the students. Useful research also doesnot happen the way it should.

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    1. A mastery of chinese language is going to be of much advantage to young engineers from India.

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  38. Thanks for sharing useful article about engineering education in India. There are number of engineering courses and colleges but they are lacking in quality education. because of this the unemployment is increasing in this country.

  39. Dear Rajan,
    You have just shared what was in my mind for more than 2 decades. I don't know when will our system would change.

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  41. Very informative blog really explains the engineering education in india. As you said in earlier days there were very few colleges and students who study engineering also few and getting seats in IIT is tough. But now india is filled with lots and lots of engineering colleges and dont know how many are well experienced faculty members and getting jobs really tough as heavy competition.

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  44. Ever since the government of India enacted the AICTE Act in 1987, engg education in India has become an administered and controlled subject. The AICTE is a body of nominated personalities by the HRD ministry. AICTE has done much to the proliferation of engineering education as far as the numbers are concerned. Allowing collection of high fees and disallowing direct withdrawal of profits have caused the private engg colleges to use the money for enhancing the majestic appearance of their buildings and campuses which the government institutions could hardly do. Proliferation of IT outsourcing companies that took up contracts from mainly the US based silicon valley giants to recruit the fresh graduates in large numbers for IT jobs, regardless of the engineering discipline in which they got their basic training, have so far successfully maintained the public perception that the engineering education is worth taking up even with high fees in any institution.
    In this process, the country is losing real trained talents to exhibit their capabilities in many areas of development where experienced and competent engineers are needed. The AICTE has UG and PG Boards for engineering education, but it does not have any specialist boards for the various engineering disciplines. Neither it has no idea or research to formulate any new engineering stream which might keep the country well prepared to take up the challenges of the future. Unfortunately, AICTE has decided to play the second fiddle and proceed as per the market forces by making engineering education a market decided product ! For those thousands of electrical, mechanical, civil and chemical engineers are going to be IT programmers or general management personnel doing trading or banking or clerical work seem to be of no concern to any one. Are we training our young ones in engineering just for them to show their degree certificates branding them as some engineer, even when they would never ever use their skill in their life ? Why this great wastage of human effort and time ?

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