
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Updated, Hyperlinked and Grouped List of All Blogs of Rajan C Mathew !

ഈ പേജില്‍ എന്‍റെ എല്ലാ ബ്ലോഗുകളുടെയും പട്ടിക വിശദമായി ഗ്രൂപ്‌ ചെയ്തു ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു.

വിശദമായ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ പട്ടികയിലേക്ക് പോകുവാന്‍ ഹൈപ്പര്‍ ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്ന തലക്കെട്ടില്‍ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക

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എന്ജിനിയര്‍മാര്‍ക്ക് ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട വിഷയങ്ങള്‍

ആനുകാലിക വിഷയങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള ബ്ലോഗുകള്‍

എഞ്ചിനീയറിംഗ്, വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം, പരിസ്ഥിതി, മാനേജ്മെന്‍റ്, ഭരണം എന്നിങ്ങനെയുള്ള വിഷയങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള ബ്ലോഗുകളുടെ പട്ടിക 

ഉറങ്ശ്യാ പുസ്തകവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ബ്ലോഗുകളുടെ പട്ടിക

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ബ്ലോഗ്‌ പട്ടികയുടെ പുറം തുറന്നിട്ട്‌ ഹൈപ്പര്‍ ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്ന ബ്ലോഗ്‌ തലക്കെട്ടില്‍ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്‌താല്‍ ബ്ലോഗ്‌ പേജ് തുറക്കാം.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

പത്തു പേര് പറഞ്ഞാ നിങ്ങടെ ആട് പട്ടിയാകുമോ ?

സ്കൂളില്‍ പഠിച്ചിരുന്ന കാലത്ത്‌ കേട്ടിരുന്ന ഒരു കഥ ഒരു പക്ഷെ നിങ്ങള്‍ പലരും കേട്ടിരിക്കാം.

ഒരു ഓണം കേറാ മൂലയിലെ ചെറു കര്‍ഷകനും മകനും മാസങ്ങള്‍ വളര്‍ത്തി വലുതാക്കിയ അവരുടെ ആടിനെ വില്‍ക്കാന്‍ അഞ്ചാറു നാഴിക ദൂരെയുള്ള ചെറു പട്ടണത്തിലേക്ക് കാല്‍ നടയായി പോവുകയായിരുന്നു.

എഴുത്തും വായനയും അറിയാത്ത പാവങ്ങള്‍. ആടിനെ വിട്ടു കിട്ടുന്ന പണം കിട്ടിയിട്ട് വേണം പല കാര്യങ്ങളും സാധിക്കാന്‍. മാസങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് മുമ്പ് ആരുടെയോ കൈയില്‍ നിന്ന് വാങ്ങിയ ആട്ടിന്‍കുട്ടി ഇപ്പോള്‍ വളര്‍ന്നു വലുതായിരിക്കുന്നു. വിറ്റാല്‍ നല്ല കാശ് കിട്ടണം. ആ മനക്കോട്ട മനസ്സില്‍ കെട്ടിയാണ് പാവങ്ങള്‍ പട്ടണത്തിലേക്ക് തിരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്.

പട്ടണത്തോടു അടുക്കാറായപ്പോള്‍ അവിടുത്തെ തരികിടകള്‍ ഈ പാവങ്ങളെ നോട്ടമിട്ടു.

തോട്ടു വക്കിലിരുന്ന് അതില്‍ ഒരു കൂട്ടം ചെറുപ്പക്കാര്‍ കുറെ ഉച്ചത്തില്‍ സംസാരിച്ചു തുടങ്ങി:

" അയ്യോടാ! ഈ പട്ടിയെ കയറിട്ടു കെട്ടി ഇവരെവിടെ കൊണ്ട് പോവാ ? പട്ടിയെ കെട്ടാന്‍ തുടലല്ലേ വേണ്ടേ ? " ഒരു തരികിടയുടെ കമന്‍ട്.

" ആടിന്‍റെ മോന്ത പോലെയാ ഈ പട്ടിയുടെ തല. ആടാന്നു വിചാരിച്ചു കാണും പാവങ്ങള്."  വേറൊരുത്തന്‍ ഒരു ചിരിയോടെ മറ്റവനെ പിന്താങ്ങി.

നമ്മുടെ കര്‍ഷകന്‍  ഉള്ളില്‍ വന്ന രോഷം പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന തരത്തില്‍ അവരെ ഒന്ന് നോക്കിയിട്ട് മകനെയും ആടിനെയും കൊണ്ട് വേഗത്തില്‍ മുമ്പോട്ട്‌ നടന്നു. രോഷവും സംശയവും അപ്പോള്‍ ‍ ഒരുപോലെ ആ സാധുക്കളുടെ മനസ്സില്‍ കടന്നുകൂടി കഴിഞ്ഞിരുന്നു.

കുറെ ദൂരം ചെന്നപ്പോള്‍ അതാ വേറെ ഒരു കൂട്ടം ചെറുപ്പക്കാര്‍.

" വല്യപ്പാ, ചന്തേ പോവായിരിക്കും. ഈ പട്ടിയെ കയറിട്ടു കെട്ടി എന്തിനാ കൂടെ കൂട്ടിയത് ?" ഒരാള്‍ ഒരു അടുത്ത ബന്ധുവിനെ പോലെ ചോദിച്ചു.

കര്‍ഷകന്‍ സ്വല്‍പ്പം ദേഷ്യത്തില്‍ തന്നെ പ്രതികരിച്ചു:

" ഇത് പട്ടിയല്ലെടാ പിള്ളേരെ. ആടാ. ചന്തേ വിക്കാന്‍ പോവാ "

" അയ്യോ, അത് കൊള്ളാം. ആടിന്‍റെ കൂട്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഇത്തരം പട്ടികളെ നിങ്ങള്‍ കണ്ടിട്ടില്ല എന്നു തോന്നുന്നല്ലോ. ഇവിടെല്ലാം ഇത്തരം പട്ടികള്‍ ധാരാളം. ആരാ ആടാന്നു പറഞ്ഞു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഇതിനെ തന്നത്? നിങ്ങളെ പറ്റിച്ചതാണല്ലോ" തരികിട ആത്മാര്‍ഥതയോടെ എന്ന വണ്ണം പറഞ്ഞു.

കൂടെയുള്ള മറ്റു തരികിടകള്‍ അത് ശരി വച്ച പോലെ പല അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ പ്രകടിപ്പിച്ചു.

നമ്മുടെ പാവം കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളുടെ ഇളകിയ മനസ്സ് ശരിക്കും ആടിത്തുടങ്ങി.

അടുത്ത തരികിടകള്‍ കൂടി അവരുടെ ആടിനെ പട്ടി എന്നു വിശേഷിപ്പിച്ചതോടെ പാവങ്ങള്‍ ആടിനെ വഴിയില്‍ വിട്ടിട്ടു പോയെന്നാണ് കഥ.

ഈ കഥ വലിച്ചു നീട്ടി പറയാനല്ല ഞാന്‍ ഉദ്ദേശിച്ചത്.

നമ്മില്‍ പലരും ഈ കഥയിലെ വിഡ്ഢികളായ ആ കര്‍ഷകരെ പോലെ തന്നെ ആണ് പലപ്പോഴും.

" അയ്യോ എന്തു പറ്റി ? വല്ലാതെ ക്ഷീണിച്ചു പോയല്ലോ. കാന്‍സര്‍ ആയി മരിച്ച ഞങ്ങടെ അപ്പാപ്പനും  ആദ്യം ഇതുപോലെ ആയിരുന്നു. പെട്ടെന്നു തൂക്കമങ്ങു പോയി. പിന്നല്യോ വിവരം അറിഞ്ഞത്."

ആത്മാര്‍ഥത പ്രകടമാക്കി ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ പറയുന്ന ബന്ധുക്കളും സുഹൃത്തുക്കളും ആയ തരികിടകള്‍ പറയുന്നത് കേട്ട് അപ്പോളോയും വെല്ലൂരും തിരക്കി ഇറങ്ങുന്നവര്‍ നമ്മുടെ ഇടയില്‍ ഇല്ലെന്നു പറയാമോ?

കുറെയധികം തരികിടകള്‍ ഒന്നിച്ചു കൂടി ക്രിക്കറ്റ് എന്ന കളി കാണാത്തവരും കേള്‍ക്കാത്തവരും മനുഷ്യരല്ല എന്ന നിലയില്‍ നാളുകളായി അലമുറയിടുന്നത് കേട്ടു കേട്ടു മനുഷ്യരാകാന്‍ നമ്മള്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ പ്രത്യേകം ശ്രദ്ധ വയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല എന്നു പറയാന്‍ പറ്റുമോ ?

അമേരിക്കയിലെ വലിയ പണക്കാര്‍ ഇടുന്ന പ്രത്യേക വസ്ത്രമായി ചില തരികിടകള്‍ പ്രഘോഷിക്കുന്ന കീറിയ ജീന്‍സ്‌ വാങ്ങിയിടാന്‍ ആയിരങ്ങള്‍ മുടക്കാന്‍ നമ്മളില്‍ പലരും നെട്ടോട്ടം ഓടുന്നില്ല എന്നു പറയാമോ?

" അയ്യോ ഈ കൊച്ചു കാര്‍ ഇക്കാലത്ത് അന്തസ്സുള്ള ആരെങ്കിലും ഓടിക്കുമോ" എന്നു ഏതെങ്കിലുമൊക്കെ തരികിടകള്‍ പറയുമെന്ന് ഭയന്ന് അന്തസ്സ് കാക്കാന്‍ കിടപ്പാടം പണയപ്പെടുത്തി ഓടിക്കാന്‍ വയ്യാത്ത വല്യ ഇമ്പാല പോലെയൊന്ന് വാങ്ങാന്‍ നമ്മളില്‍ പലരും വെമ്പുന്നില്ല എന്നു പറയാന്‍ സാധിക്കുമോ?

അങ്ങനെ പലതും.

സ്വന്തമായി കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ വിലയിരുത്താന്‍ കഴിയാത്ത മനുഷ്യര്‍ കൂടുതലുള്ളത് കാരണം  പ്രൊഫഷണല്‍   തരികിട കളിക്കാര്‍ക്ക് പരസ്യ തന്ത്രങ്ങള്‍ പയറ്റി തെളിയാനുള്ള വേദി ആയിരിക്കുന്നു ആധുനിക മാധ്യമങ്ങള്‍.

മേല്‍പ്പറഞ്ഞ കഥയിലെ വിഡ്ഢികളായ കര്‍ഷകരെ പോലെയോ അതോ ആ തരികിട ചെറുപ്പക്കാരെ പോലെയോ ഒക്കെയാണ് നമ്മളില്‍ പലരും.

ഏതു കൂട്ടത്തില്‍ പെടും എന്നു സ്വയം ആലോചിച്ചു നോക്കിയാല്‍ മതി.

[* തരികിടകള്‍ = മറ്റുള്ളവരെ വിഡ്ഢികള്‍ ആക്കാന്‍ വിഡ്ഢി വേഷം കെട്ടുന്നവര്‍ ]

[രാജന്‍ സി മാത്യുവിന്‍റെ മലയാളം ബ്ലോഗ്‌ ലിസ്റ്റ് ഇവിടെ കാണാം !]

(This blog is a satirical writing in Malayalam Language which depicts the gullibility of common people in blindly believing others and acting on such beliefs and about those clever fellows who take advantage of this. Cleverness of the latter group has now become professional which gets reflected in modern advertisements!) 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Astrology and the Urantia Book !

Though the Urantia Book has been a wonderful book that has fascinated me for quite some time now, there are certain things that I find a bit confusing.

The book is a collection of various subject papers essentially covering details of the God who is the First Being that existed from eternity and who is behind the creation of all that is in the Universe. The book tells us about the nature, qualities and personality of God (also called the Universal Father) and the details of the creations that came into existence from eternity onwards, including both living beings and non-living things.

The various subject papers of the book [196 in all] together with its elaborated Foreword gives a comprehensive coverage of all that the modern man wanted to know regarding origins of the universe, God, subordinate deities, celestial personalities, laws of the material universes, origin of nebulae, stars, black bodies, planets, planetary systems and worlds having material life just as our earth.

It also covers the origin of earth, the establishment of life on earth and the origin and progressive evolution of humans on earth. The evolution of religions, god concepts, governments, economies, philosophies, science, etc on earth are also explained in such details and authoritativeness as if the authors are eyewitnesses to all the sequences of development of our world.

Then the authors of the papers identify themselves as invisible non-humans of various orders. The details of their orders are also covered in papers dealing with such subject matter. It is told that these information are of a revelatory type from a higher intelligence level than the humans. At the same time, the authors also inform us that the knowledge humans have acquired so far correctly by themselves have been retained as such. They inform us that they try to polish our understanding with some factual inputs and corrections where ever necessary.

I have found the treatise of the book having a high intellectual level and very much logical. It is difficult to find inconsistencies or grave errors of that sort in the book. The knowledge provided has been far advanced than the knowledge that existed at the time of publication of the book [ie 1955]

While depicting some historical events that had happened some 2000 years ago, the book gives the many dates in the modern calendar clearly identifying the day and some astronomical peculiarity of those days[such as full moon] which has been found correct recently with the help of NASA's advanced computer software.

There are many such things which project the book to such high level of authenticity .

The book also deals with the superstitious human belief systems and the evolution of such superstitions in human minds.

Astrology is one such topic.

" The courses of the stars in the heavens have nothing whatever to do with the events of human life on earth. Astronomy is a proper pursuit of science, but astrology is a mass of superstitious error " The Urantia Book says.

But, I have found the astrological profile of my personality correct to a great extent.

I have also found the personality traits of people based on their zodiac signs nearly true that it is difficult for discarding those as false.

The Urantia Book also tells like this: "Again and again did the Caesars banish the astrologers, but they invariably returned because of the popular belief in their powers. They could not be driven out, and even in the sixteenth century after Christ the directors of Occidental church and state were the patrons of astrology. Thousands of supposedly intelligent people still believe that one may be born under the domination of a lucky or an unlucky star; that the juxtaposition of the heavenly bodies determines the outcome of various terrestrial adventures. Fortunetellers are still patronized by the credulous."

But the book also have some statements like these :

"Personalities may be similar, but they are never the same. Persons of a given series, type, order, or pattern may and do resemble one another, but they are never identical. Personality is that feature of an individual which we know, and which enables us to identify such a being at some future time regardless of the nature and extent of changes in form, mind, or spirit status. Personality is that part of any individual which enables us to recognize and positively identify that person as the one we have previously known, no matter how much he may have changed because of the modification of the vehicle of expression and manifestation of his Personality."

" Always should the domains of the physical (electrochemical) and the mental response to environmental stimuli be differentiated, and in turn must they all be recognized as phenomena apart from spiritual activities. The domains of physical, mental, and spiritual gravity are distinct realms of cosmic reality, notwithstanding their intimate interrelations."

There are many other statements and affirmations of cosmic facts of this kind which tell us that the human personality traits are affected by a person's time and place of birth on account of the universal gravity lines influencing the genes that determine the personality traits of humans.

But they are not due to the stars and the planets.

Our astrologers happen to see the planets and stars of a particular type during the time of the year at a particular location and they have been able to classify people's personalities according to the stars or planets. The Urantia Book says that these planets and stars are not responsible, but something else coming from far beyond. Gravity has a role, but not the gravity of the stars and the planets we had identified.

Again the Urantia Book authors for reasons known to them do not encourage us to go exploring this and waste our energies and time on such things which they consider as irrelevant to our lives on a long term perspective.

[Read More Urantia Book Related Blogs Here]

Friday, May 25, 2012

അദൃശ്യ കരങ്ങളുടെ സഹായം !

ഒരിക്കല്‍ ഒരു രാത്രി സമയം കാറോടിച്ചു വീട്ടിലേക്കു പോവുകയായിരുന്നു. എവിടെ നിന്നെന്നു അറിയാതെ ഒരു വയസ്സന്‍ കാറിന്‍റെ മുമ്പിലേക്ക് ചാടി എന്‍റെ വാഹനം തടഞ്ഞു നിര്‍ത്തി. താടിയും മുടിയും നീട്ടി വളര്‍ത്തി ചില പ്രത്യേക തരത്തില്‍ വേഷം ധരിച്ച ഒരു രൂപം. പകുതി ഹിന്ദു സന്യാസി പോലെയും പകുതി മുസ്ലിം ഫക്കീര്‍ പോലെയും തോന്നിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഒരു അര്‍ദ്ധ നഗ്ന വൃദ്ധന്‍. മുഖത്ത് പേടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന തരം രുദ്ര ഭാവം.

ആരുമില്ലാ നേരത്ത് തടഞ്ഞു നിര്‍ത്തി പേടിപ്പിച്ചു കാശ് പിടുങ്ങാന്‍ ആയിരിക്കുമല്ലോ ഇയാളുടെ വരവെന്ന് ഞാനും അടുത്തിരുന്ന സഹധര്‍മിണിയും ഒരുപോലെ മനസ്സില്‍ വിചാരിച്ചു.

എന്നാല്‍ പെട്ടെന്ന് അയാളുടെ രുദ്ര ഭാവം അയഞ്ഞു. പെട്ടെന്ന് ഹിന്ദിയില്‍ അയാള്‍ ഇങ്ങനെ പറഞ്ഞു.

" നിങ്ങള്‍ ആര്‍ക്കും ഒരു ദോഷവും ചെയ്യാത്ത നല്ല മനുഷ്യനാണ്. എന്നിട്ടും അനേകം പേര്‍ നിങ്ങടെ ചുറ്റും നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശത്രുക്കള്‍ ആയി ദോഷം ചെയ്യാന്‍ കരുക്കള്‍ നീക്കുന്നു. എന്നാല്‍ ആര്‍ക്കും നിങ്ങളെ ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാന്‍ ആവില്ല. നിങ്ങടെ ചുറ്റും അദൃശ്യ ശക്തികള്‍ നിങ്ങളെ കാക്കുന്നു."

ഇത്രയും പറഞ്ഞു വന്നതു പോലെ അയാള്‍ കാറിന്‍റെ മുന്‍പില്‍ നിന്നും മാറിത്തന്നു.

ഞാന്‍ പെട്ടെന്ന്‌ വാഹനം വീട്ടിലേക്കു ഓടിച്ചു. 

ആ രൂപത്തെ പിന്നീട് ഒരിക്കലും ഞാന്‍ കാണാന്‍ ഇടയായിട്ടില്ല.

എന്നാല്‍ ആ സംഭവവും അയാള്‍ പറഞ്ഞ ആ വാചകങ്ങളും മനസ്സില്‍ മായാതെ കിടക്കുന്നു.

കാരണം അയാള്‍ പറഞ്ഞ കാര്യങ്ങളില്‍ ചില വാസ്തവങ്ങള്‍ ഉള്ളതായി എനിക്ക് അനുഭവപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നു.

മനസ്സുകൊണ്ടോ പ്രവൃത്തി കൊണ്ടോ ആര്‍ക്കും ദോഷം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുകയോ ചെയ്യുകയോ ചെയ്യാത്ത പ്രകൃതമാണ് ചെറുപ്പം മുതലേ എനിക്കുള്ളത്. എന്നിട്ടും പലരും എനിക്ക് ശത്രുക്കള്‍ ആകുകയും എന്‍റെ വിരോധികള്‍ ആകുകയും ചെയ്ത അനുഭവം പലപ്പോഴും എനിക്ക് നേരിട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു.

എന്നാല്‍ ഈ വിധ വിരോധ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ ഒന്നും എന്നെ ഒരു തരത്തിലും ബാധിച്ചിട്ടില്ല എന്നതും ഒരു തരത്തില്‍ എന്നെ  അത്ഭുധപ്പെടുത്തിയിരുന്നു.

അതൊക്കെ അദൃശ്യ കരങ്ങളുടെ സഹായം തന്നെ ആണോ?

അതുപോലെ വേറൊരു കാര്യവും വളരെ കാലം മുമ്പ്‌ ഒരാള്‍ എന്നോട് പറഞ്ഞത് ഓര്‍മയില്‍ വരുന്നു.

എനിക്കെതിരെ കരുക്കള്‍ നീക്കുന്ന ശത്രുക്കള്‍ അതുമൂലം പ്രയാസം അനുഭവിക്കും എന്നതായിരുന്നു അത്.

വളരെ വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ക്കു മുമ്പ് ഒരിക്കല്‍ ഒരു വൃദ്ധന്‍ എന്നേ അന്വേഷിച്ചു വീട്ടില്‍ വന്നു. എനിക്ക് ആളെ മനസ്സിലായില്ല. വന്ന പാടെ അയാള്‍ എന്നോട് മാപ്പ് അപേക്ഷിച്ചു. എനിക്ക് കാര്യം ഒട്ടും പിടി കിട്ടിയില്ല. പിന്നെ അയാള്‍ വിശദമാക്കി. കുറെ നാളുകള്‍ക്കു മുമ്പ്‌ എനിക്ക് സ്വല്‍പ്പം നഷ്ടമുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ഒരു കാര്യം അയാള്‍ ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു. അതില്‍ എന്‍റെ ഭാഗത്തുനിന്നും പ്രതികരിക്കാത്തത് കാരണം അയാള്‍ക്ക് കുറ്റബോധം നാള്‍ക്കുനാള്‍ വര്‍ധിച്ചു വരുന്നു. അയാള്‍ക്ക്‌ പല പ്രശ്നങ്ങളും നേരിട്ടതു അതു കാരണം എന്ന് അയാള്‍ കരുതുന്നു. ഞാന്‍ എന്നേ മറന്ന ഒരു കാര്യം. ആശ്വസിപ്പിച്ചു വിട്ടു എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ മതിയല്ലോ.

അതുപോലെ മറ്റു ചില സംഭവങ്ങള്‍.

വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ എന്‍റെ ജൂനിയര്‍ ആയി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിച്ച ഒരു വനിതാ എഞ്ചിനീയര്‍ ഒരിക്കല്‍ എന്നോട് ചോദിച്ചത് ഓര്‍മയില്‍ വരുന്നു.

"സാറിനെ പുറകില്‍ കൂടി പലരും ചീത്ത പറയുന്നു ഒരു കാരണവുമില്ലാതെ.എന്നാല്‍  അവരൊക്കെ സാറിന്‍റെ മുമ്പില്‍ വന്നാല്‍ ആ വിരോധം ഒരിക്കലും പ്രകടമാക്കാത്തത് എന്താണ് എന്ന് എത്ര ആലോചിച്ചിട്ടും പിടി കിട്ടുന്നില്ല."

ഇതെല്ലാം ആ അദൃശ്യ കരങ്ങളുടെ സഹായം തന്നെ ആയിരിക്കണം. 

നമുക്കറിയാത്ത ഒരുപാടു കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഈ ലോകത്തില്‍ നടക്കുന്നു.

എല്ലാത്തിനും ശാസ്ത്ര വിശദീകരണത്തിനു തുനിയുന്നതും ആശാസ്യമായിരിക്കയില്ലല്ലോ !  

[രാജന്‍ സി മാത്യുവിന്‍റെ കൂടുതല്‍ മലയാളം ബ്ലോഗുകള്‍ ഇവിടെ കാണുക !] 


Some months back I introduced a page titled Crucial Questions & Answers [C-Q&A] on the Urantia Book for the benefit of the readers of the website Urantia-India. This website in itself was a humble effort to introduce this great revelatory book to my countrymen.

Ever since this revelatory book got published in 1955 scores of spiritually curious truth seekers have been doing such efforts to make the contents of the book known to similarly inclined human beings of the modern era.

Since there is a lower probability of the Urantia-India website getting the attention of those browsing the Internet, I felt a strong desire to reproduce some content from that site to this blogpost site, for enabling it to be noticed by a larger audience of truth seekers.

The following was a crucial question that I asked myself :

What are the reasons that keep making me convinced about the truthfulness of the Urantia Book ? Why I consider this book not a hoax creation of some clever human beings ?

My answer to this crucial question is this:

When I began reading randomly from some papers of the book initially I too had this kind of a doubt coming to my mind. Essentially that was because of the unusual phraseology and the occurrences of many unusual words commonly not found in English language. Besides, the book deals with many subjects like history, science, religion, spirituality, geology, etc, which was not the way in which we normally are accustomed with books. In books, we normally expect to find some subject matter of specific interest and not something that goes beyond our interest at the moment.

For the majority of people, this would be reason enough to discard the book as something rubbish and leave it there.
Most likely they will not attempt exploring it further by careful reading.
Then there is the problem of religious dogmas and upbringing. If someone says that this is a book that teaches something different from their holy religious book, a kind of fear sets in. The common people are taught to believe that such books are 'satanic'.
For example, the Christians consider religious books of other religions in that manner, the Muslims consider the same way and the like. Again among the same religions, various sects and denominations consider their teachings sacrosanct and others' teachings originating from Satan! Thus there is a type of fear in common people to view books that deals with spiritual matters differently than their own belief systems. This matter is a delicate issue.
But the Urantia Book has enough things for those who are daring and curious. Therefore, those of this kind would naturally pursue reading this book to know more. In essence, the Urantia Book is meant for such people. These are the kind of people who are intellectually keen with above average IQ , educational background and have risen to such levels that they are inclined to devote time for intellectual pursuits of mind that goes beyond their day to day problems involving materialistic existence.
This implies that such people are now in a position to devote some of their time and mind in the pursuit towards spiritual curiosity-the curiosity to know about the invisible realms and God. Essentially they are the kind of people who are spiritually starved. They are the kind of people who want to connect to God, not for some materialistic benefits, but for fulfilling their desire for knowing their Unseen Father and to make their minds harmonized with Him as far as possible.
Such people, with this innate and unselfish desire to know God, are a negligible minority in this world bustling with people engaged in multifarious activities, including religious rituals and practices. The Urantia Book , though written for all mankind, is going to attract this minority individuals more than the others. The numbers of these minority individuals are going to increase as generations pass and there will come a day when such people would be the majority. That era would perhaps be the beginning of another epoch in human civilization!
Man has got the innate capacity to discern truth from untruth, provided that his acquired values, education, training and position do not cause him to be elevated to such a level of self importance that he is unable to utilize his God given capacity to separate truth from untruth, beauty from ugliness, good from bad and godly from ungodly.
Therefore, I feel it unwise to state my reasons for finding the Urantia Book true, or more precisely, believe what it says it is.
I can only say this much. I have found nothing in it that my innate mind discerns as untruth.
Moreover, it is the book that caused me to change my track from a life with more of materialistic concerns to a life with more of spiritual concerns.
It is the book that made me realize who is Jesus Christ and the essence of what he taught to the people of earth some 2000 years ago. 
It is the book that caused me to believe in the existence of God without any doubt.
It is the book that caused me to learn to lead a life without anxieties and worries. It is the book that made me to understand other religions. It is the book that keep inspiring me ever since.
One more thing I can say here. Before the Urantia Book came to my notice, I had the opportunity to read most of the sacred books of all the major religions. Later on I got the opportunity to read many New Age literature and the so called 'channelled' books. All these books have many good things, but at the same time there are things that cause doubts and questions. There are things which do not stand validated in the truthful probe of the mind.
But the Urantia Book goes much beyond, at the current level of my understanding.
I have not yet found anything in it that my mind cannot accept ! And my mind tells me that such a great work is beyond the capacity of human beings to fabricate.
People and powers who are capable of twisting the truths in clever manner still exist and are doing their part and that will keep happening.
But my safeguard is my god-given power to distinguish truth from untruth.
And this power is not exclusive to me.
It is with every one !

[ Interested in reading more Urantia Book related blogs? Click Here ! ]

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why Indian Employers Fail to Get the Best From Their Employees ?

More than three decades ago, while I was still in the campus, I had great aspirations for the future that I would be having as a responsible employee of the organization where I would be joining later. At that time, I was not much sure which would be the organization that I would be joining. There was not much opportunity to understand the work cultures of the various organizations who were hiring young engineers like me for their work. 

From hearsay, we were knowing about a few large PSU companies and a few public limited companies in the private sector in our country who had been considered as good choices for the best students. Besides, the central government also hired fresh engineers from the conventional engineering disciplines for serving the civilian or military services.

The main information source for us to know about the organization was the advertisements that they used to publish for various purposes including those for selection of their fresh management trainees either in technical or non-technical streams. The advertisements used to be really attractive.
So the company where I joined was a very reputed one which used to take fresh engineers almost every year in batches through a recruitment process that was pretty impressive.

They also had an elaborate training programme for the freshers which included regular class room studies, examinations and the like held in dedicated training institutes. A few other companies also followed this methodology. The idea was to give the young recruits an overall idea about the company's activities and to give a familiarisation about its various departments and their functions.

All during this time there was nothing that gave the realities of the company's working to the freshers. The realities the fresh employees actually faced after they were posted to the actual area of posting.

The rest of the story is more or less universal in India as far as big companies are concerned.

In big companies, posting of employees, both in the executive and non-executive category, is done on a casual manner. In a majority of cases, the posting of persons are done arbitrarily without any planning. No real study is ever conducted to assess the actual need based requirements of various skills both at the staff / workmen levels or at the managerial levels.

The departments and the people to whom they are directed to report for work are pretty unaware most of the cases about such postings. It would be the task of the person to whom the people are directed to report to find and fetch essentials like table, chair, cabin, working tools, etc, etc and also the type of work he/she has to perform. Often it takes months for the organization to arrange these things for the newcomer. The newcomer also may have to fetch for the work he or she may have to carry out in the organisation.

Two kinds of orientation and attitude develop in the newcomer during this time.

If the person joined in a place where he or she was actually needed and where the department provided all the necessities for the persons further adaptation and work in the organization, the person grows with a positive attitude and a feeling of belongingness to the organization.

Otherwise the person soon learns various kinds of survival techniques to pull on in the organization. He or she becomes a part of what is known as departmental politics ! Survival in the organization becomes the main agenda of the person rather than contributing for the larger interests of the organization with a positive attitude. 

Let me elaborate these things with one or two real examples.

The first place where I got posted as a junior officer was a Captive Thermal Power Plant of our company whose business is production and marketing of saleable steel products. I was posted as the officer in charge of a section of the thermal power plant which was getting ready for commissioning. My section comprised of a water de-mineralization plant (DM plant in short) and a chemical laboratory for ensuring various chemical quality control that are required for the power plant.

The DM plant was being constructed by a company on turn-key basis under the consultancy of a reputed public sector engineering consultancy company.

When I was posted as the first line officer of this section, I was told to report to a person who is designated as the head of the department of the new power plant. He was a person with years of experience in boiler operation and maintenance. The first day of our meeting, he said point blank to me that he did not know any thing about DM plants or laboratories and it would be my responsibility to find out and organise the section the way it should be to carry out the functions of the power plant in the near future. In this case, I was required for the organization though the organization didnot know much about my job that I was supposed to do.

I had never seen a power plant before that !

I had never studied about these things during my engineering college days !

I did not know how many people would be required to do the various activities of my section and what would be their jobs.

It was a hard self learning. I had no one to ask for guidance. Yet, I was successful in organising my section, getting and training the people, getting the various kinds of tools, tackles, materials and the like, both for the plant and the laboratory and making my section perform well during the commissioning and post commissioning years of the power plant.

During those days, I found certain procedures of the company very ridiculous and illogical. It was easier for me to procure a atomic adsorption spectrometer costing millions which was not very essential for the work rather than procuring a shelf or typewriter essential for my work which costed only a few thousands. 

If I wanted a person having a chemistry background for doing my laboratory work, there was all likelihood of getting a person experienced in welding work posted for doing the work of the chemist !

It was easy to procure a truckload of caustic soda, but difficult to procure a bottle of ink !

It was easy to get people posted, but was difficult to get chairs or tables for them for working !

Later I find this kind of irrationality in all walks of life in all kinds of organisations in India.

I was interested to find the reasons for these.

For mundane things many organizations have set up centralized agencies. These centralized agencies are manned by people who are problem creators or unwanted elsewhere.

For example, many organizations  have a centralized procurement and distribution system for office furniture and consumables like paper, pen, etc. The person responsible for this work has to see that all others are getting these essential requirements in time and in required quantities. The idea is good. But imagine the situation when this responsibility is discharged by an irresponsible person ! What normally happens is that such persons would make all out efforts to make those in higher positions happy and satisfied by fulfilling their requirements, even unjustified sometimes and in that process gains such courage to discard the genuine demands of all others in the organization. The organization suffers in the long run !

One of my friends working for an American company told me that this kind of things are rare in that country. Perhaps that may the case in all good companies. But I can say that this is the case in most of the large Indian organizations which are generally perceived as not so good by the employees and other stake holders. For smaller organizations, the problem may be of a different type but similar.

The right man for the right job is often forgotten in Indian organizations.

All Indian organizations are composed of people of all sorts. Extremely bright ones are required to work with extremely lousy persons at times. The brighter ones have no option but to adapt to the speed and efficiency of the latter !

In India selections are done on the basis of both merit and reservations. I am not against reservations for jobs.

But Indian organizations need to learn more organizational dynamics and getting the best from the human resources.

Posting of persons to various organizational positions have to be done with care and proper planning. What the person is supposed to do for the organization and what the organization is giving the person to execute his responsibilities should be clear to both sides.

The leader of a work team should have a say in selecting the members of his or her team.

These are not very difficult things to achieve or implement.

But unfortunately in India it does not work in that manner.

That is the reason why Indian employers fail to get the best from their employees !

In my humble opinion, if Managements of Indian organizations give a little more attention to these kinds of things which apparently looks so simple or unimportant, then they would definitely add synergy to the organization to perform well.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

About Civilization, Social Values & Population Growth : Some Facts You May Find Difficulty in Digesting !

In this blog I would like to present to my readers a few passages from Paper-68 of the Urantia Book which describes the evolution of civilization on earth and the factors that governs human evolutionary progress. Those intellectually keen and desirous to understand would be surprised to notice some hints given in the passages informing how the Divine Powers subtly oversee and monitor the human evolution without actually interfering with it directly. 

The author of the Paper is a Melchizedek, an order of celestial beings who function in our universe. They are told as involved in providing education, training and knowledge to evolving intelligent life including human beings. Such kind of knowledge imparted by these celestial beings are defined as revelatory knowledge or revelations in contrast to the knowledge gained by human beings through evolutionary development over the ages.

Incidentally the Urantia Book also reveals much details about the Melchizedek order of celestial beings in a few other Papers dealing with this subject. It is also revealed in this book that the human biblical character named Melchizedek who lived on earth during the times of Abraham some 5000 years ago was a member of this order of beings ( This Melchizedek lived on earth in human form for nearly 100 years to impart various kinds of knowledge, mostly spiritual, to some people of earth who were capable of understanding his teachings to some extent. You may read my blog " Melchizedek: A Name Most Revered and Least Understood!")

Now coming to the passages which I selected for those interested to read. You may please note that these are information told to us human beings by some order of intelligence superior to us, who have been observing human development ever since life originated on earth.

Please read carefully :

" Civilization is a racial acquirement; it is not biologically inherent; hence must all children be reared in an environment of culture, while each succeeding generation of youth must receive anew its education. The superior qualities of civilization—scientific, philosophic, and religious—are not transmitted from one generation to another by direct inheritance. These cultural achievements are preserved only by the enlightened conservation of social inheritance."

" When brought closely together, men often learn to like one another, but primitive man was not naturally overflowing with the spirit of brotherly feeling and the desire for social contact with his fellows. Rather did the early races learn by sad experience that "in union there is strength"; and it is this lack of natural brotherly attraction that now stands in the way of immediate realization of the brotherhood of man on Urantia (earth) ".

" Association early became the price of survival. The lone man was helpless unless he bore a tribal mark which testified that he belonged to a group which would certainly avenge any assault made upon him. Even in the days of Cain it was fatal to go abroad alone without some mark of group association. Civilization has become man's insurance against violent death, while the premiums are paid by submission to society's numerous law demands."

" That contemporary cultural society is a rather recent phenomenon is well shown by the present-day survival of such primitive social conditions as characterize the Australian natives and the Bushmen and Pygmies of Africa. Among these backward peoples may be observed something of the early group hostility, personal suspicion, and other highly antisocial traits which were so characteristic of all primitive races. These miserable remnants of the nonsocial peoples of ancient times bear eloquent testimony to the fact that the natural individualistic tendency of man cannot successfully compete with the more potent and powerful organizations and associations of social progression. These backward and suspicious antisocial races that speak a different dialect every forty or fifty miles illustrate what a world you might now be living in but for the combined teachings (of some celestials) and the later labors of the racial uplifters (of the Adamic groups)."

" While the level of intelligence has contributed considerably to the rate of cultural progress, society is essentially designed to lessen the risk element in the individual's mode of living, and it has progressed just as fast as it has succeeded in lessening pain and increasing the pleasure element in life. Thus does the whole social body push on slowly toward the goal of destiny—extinction or survival—depending on whether that goal is self-maintenance or self-gratification. Self-maintenance originates society, while excessive self-gratification destroys civilization."

" History is but the record of man's age-long food struggle. Primitive man only thought when he was hungry; food saving was his first self-denial, self-discipline. With the growth of society, food hunger ceased to be the only incentive for mutual association. Numerous other sorts of hunger, the realization of various needs, all led to the closer association of mankind. But today society is top-heavy with the overgrowth of supposed human needs. Occidental civilization of the twentieth century groans wearily under the tremendous overload of luxury and the inordinate multiplication of human desires and longings. Modern society is enduring the strain of one of its most dangerous phases of far-flung inter- association and highly complicated interdependence."

" Hunger, vanity, and ghost fear were continuous in their social pressure, but sex gratification was transient and spasmodic. The sex urge alone did not impel primitive men and women to assume the heavy burdens of home maintenance. The early home was founded upon the sex restlessness of the male when deprived of frequent gratification and upon that devoted mother love of the human female, which in measure she shares with the females of all the higher animals. The presence of a helpless baby determined the early differentiation of male and female activities; the woman had to maintain a settled residence where she could cultivate the soil. And from earliest times, where woman was has always been regarded as the home."

" Almost everything of lasting value in civilization has its roots in the family. The family was the first successful peace group, the man and woman learning how to adjust their antagonisms while at the same time teaching the pursuits of peace to their children."

" If vanity be enlarged to cover pride, ambition, and honor, then we may discern not only how these propensities contribute to the formation of human associations, but how they also hold men together, since such emotions are futile without an audience to parade before. Soon vanity associated with itself other emotions and impulses which required a social arena wherein they might exhibit and gratify themselves. This group of emotions gave origin to the early beginnings of all art, ceremonial, and all forms of sportive games and contests."

" Vanity contributed mightily to the birth of society; but at the time of these revelations the devious strivings of a vainglorious generation threaten to swamp and submerge the whole complicated structure of a highly specialized civilization. Pleasure-want has long since superseded hunger-want; the legitimate social aims of self-maintenance are rapidly translating themselves into base and threatening forms of self-gratification. Self-maintenance builds society; unbridled self-gratification unfailingly destroys civilization."

" Hunger and love drove men together; vanity and ghost fear held them together. But these emotions alone, without the influence of peace-promoting revelations, are unable to endure the strain of the suspicions and irritations of human inter-associations. Without help from superhuman sources the strain of society breaks down upon reaching certain limits, and these very influences of social mobilization—hunger, love, vanity, and fear—conspire to plunge mankind into war and bloodshed."

" The peace tendency of the human race is not a natural endowment; it is derived from the teachings of revealed religion, from the accumulated experience of the progressive races, but more especially from the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace."

" All modern social institutions arise from the evolution of the primitive customs of your savage ancestors; the conventions of today are the modified and expanded customs of yesterday. What habit is to the individual, custom is to the group; and group customs develop into folkways or tribal traditions—mass conventions. From these early beginnings all of the institutions of present-day human society take their humble origin."

" It must be borne in mind that the mores originated in an effort to adjust group living to the conditions of mass existence; the mores were man's first social institution. And all of these tribal reactions grew out of the effort to avoid pain and humiliation while at the same time seeking to enjoy pleasure and power. The origin of folkways, like the origin of languages, is always unconscious and unintentional and therefore always shrouded in mystery."

" The survival of a society depends chiefly on the progressive evolution of its mores. The process of custom evolution grows out of the desire for experimentation; new ideas are put forward—competition ensues. A progressing civilization embraces the progressive idea and endures; time and circumstance finally select the fitter group for survival. But this does not mean that each separate and isolated change in the composition of human society has been for the better. No! indeed no! for there have been many, many retrogressions in the long forward struggle of Urantia (earth) civilization."

" Man is a creature of the soil, a child of nature; no matter how earnestly he may try to escape from the land, in the last reckoning he is certain to fail. "Dust you are and to dust shall you return" is literally true of all mankind. The basic struggle of man was, and is, and ever shall be, for land. The first social associations of primitive human beings were for the purpose of winning these land struggles. The land-man ratio underlies all social civilization." 

" Man's intelligence, by means of the arts and sciences, increased the land yield; at the same time the natural increase in offspring was somewhat brought under control, and thus was provided the sustenance and leisure to build a cultural civilization." 

" Human society is controlled by a law which decrees that the population must vary directly in accordance with the land arts and inversely with a given standard of living. Throughout these early ages, even more than at present, the law of supply and demand as concerned men and land determined the estimated value of both. During the times of plentiful land—unoccupied territory—the need for men was great, and therefore the value of human life was much enhanced; hence the loss of life was more horrifying. During periods of land scarcity and associated overpopulation, human life became comparatively cheapened so that war, famine, and pestilence were regarded with less concern."

" The size of the family has always been influenced by the standards of living. The higher the standard the smaller the family, up to the point of established status or gradual extinction."

" All down through the ages the standards of living have determined the quality of a surviving population in contrast with mere quantity. Local class standards of living give origin to new social castes, new mores. When standards of living become too complicated or too highly luxurious, they speedily become suicidal. Caste is the direct result of the high social pressure of keen competition produced by dense populations."

" From a world standpoint, overpopulation has never been a serious problem in the past, but if war is lessened and science increasingly controls human diseases, it may become a serious problem in the near future. At such a time the great test of the wisdom of world leadership will present itself."   

Hope you had the patience to read this long.

If you had, you could have digested some of those and also have noticed certain things that are food for thought for you. You may also read the Paper-68 in full if you so wish.

Any way to tell you the truth, the revealed knowledge that the Urantia Book authors present to the human beings of the modern era have indeed made my mind awestruck and making it polished day by day.

[Would like to see some more blogs of this kind? Click Here !]

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why do Indian Public Sector Undertakings Fail to Perform Now ?

When I joined an Indian Public Sector Undertaking (PSU for short designating business ventures owned and controlled by the government) as an officer way back in the 1980, the general feeling that we youngsters who opted for this service was a feeling of pride that we were a part of a nation building team. The poor salaries the PSUs offered did not deter the youngsters from joining the PSUs. Even while many had various other options including lucrative foreign opportunities, a good majority of people preferred to stick to the low paying PSU services for the pride they felt by being in a PSU which did such industrial activities that was essential for the nation to progress.

During my initial years, most of the central PSUs including the one where I joined worked well. There were certain constraints that we youngsters felt while executing our responsibilities on account of the lack of freedom to proceed in the most techno-commercially desirable manner. But then there was no pressure also to circumvent such restrictive rules to compete with non-governmental sector for earning more profits or for survival.

Even being a PSU the work complexities were much less. There were known principles of working under minimal rules and guidelines. No one ever attempted making things complicated for preventing an error that occurred or detected.

In other words, no one attempted burning the palace for smoking out the rat ! 

Most importantly, corruption was not felt in most of the areas of work, though I cannot say that it was absent. At least superior pressure for doing a thing which was not justified was almost non-existent.

There was a system by which we could get the required facilities for discharging our responsibilities in a reasonable time. This included manpower, budget for procurement of both capital items or consumable materials.

The career growth also proceeded more or less in a logical manner. Seniority and qualifications of the candidate were important factors together with the candidates general work performance as judged by his superiors. People who got promoted to higher positions were generally respected because they were candidates who deserved such promotions.

We had never heard of incidences where the minister of the government who was heading the administrative ministry responsible for the PSU interfering with the PSUs day to day work or influencing to get preferred candidates to key positions.

Most of the officers knew their work. If a junior officer faced any kind of difficulties, he had the senior who could resolve his difficulties.

Most of the PSUs discharged their functions profitably for most of the time. Even at times they faced difficulties, the government helped them out taking the responsibility of a parent. The government also intervened whenever the PSU made major failures. The existence of the administrative ministry was justifiable because they had the superintending functions like this.

Then came the Margarette Thatcher experiment in the United Kingdom. This famous PM of this aristocratic country on whom the rest of the world looked to for guidance declared the economic benefits in having the government free from doing businesses. One by one the UK effectively privatized its PSUs.

Leading economists of the world advocated for privatization of PSUs. Privatization encouraged competition which in turn boosted efficiency. They argued. It was good for all.

The wave made its effects in India too.

Many PSUs were sold in full and in part. While some were sold 100%, some were sold 51% just to enable the transfer of administrative control from government to private players.

The methodology adopted in selling of shares of the PSUs by the governments attracted various kinds of criticisms that made the government to become scared of making and implementing its privatisation policies in a logical manner.

This resulted in a kind of mixed economy the world has never seen before.

An economy where private sector and public sector compete in an unequal footing.

The PSUs cannot recruit people as it used to be in the past due to a recruitment embargo, because the government policy is for eventual privatization. While eventual privatization is projected as the underlying principle, the difficulty faced was in declaring the time frame for that. As government indecisiveness continues indefinitely in this one has to make the logical conclusion that the PSU is destined for natural death for want of people in the future.

The PSU cannot buy its materials and equipment that are most suited technically and commercially and in the right time just as its private competitor can do, due to the rules and regulations that govern public spending that is applicable in the case of the former. As corruption in public places got public attention, so many impractical rules and regulations were imposed on the PSUs on public procurements which made their working more difficult as a competitive business entity doing business in a competitive environment. 

The PSU cannot pay well for its CEOs and its officers and staff the way its private counterparts can do because of the government guidelines of pay and perks applying ceilings.

The PSU cannot do any thing to enhance its business in accordance with the market situation, because the government has yet to decide upon its policies and priorities. And time in years are running out !

If any one says that the ills of the PSUs are due to its management and officers, he is perhaps not making an observation by evaluating the ground realities.

Even with the kind of constraints and handicaps if a PSU is still performing it needs to be appreciated.

Managerial failures do happen in PSU companies and public limited companies in the private sector. But the chances for such failures and the odds are more for the PSU as things stand today.

It is worth noting here that none of the PSUs which got privatized in the past have declined in performing in the changed management scenario. Take for example, the IPCL, Maruti Udyog Limited, VSNL, Bharat Aluminium Company Limited, etc.

But where the government allowed a particular sector opened up for private competition, the cases are not so good for both the PSUs and the new private players. Examples are the telecom, airline, steel, banking, insurance, etc. Every now and then new policies are framed to help either the private or the PSU. The business scenario in these is with high degree of uncertainties.

The public in India are really concerned with ailing PSUs like the Air India, HEC, HMT, IOC, ONGC etc which used to be prides of the nation at some time in the past. Such ailing PSU list is getting enlarged every year.

The sectors in which PSUs are still doing well could be in those areas where they are functioning like monopolies.

The PSUs are now working under severe constraints of various sorts unlike the past.

Indecisive policies are causing the nation great damages which are difficult to measure over a short time.

It is time that the people of India take note of these !

Playing in uneven grounds is not a healthy practice.

It is bound to cause casualties on the ones that are unfavourably placed.

Just as some of the concerned media men put it, let me also sum it like this :

Is any one listening ?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are Ghosts Real ?

Human beings, regardless of the region, country, race, language or religion do really have some kind of fear or curiosity to know about the existence of some kind of invisible beings moving around in this world doing many discreet acts that some humans here and there have been witnessing at times for centuries.

In general they are called ghosts. The term ghost in English is used to represent a kind of vague imagination or outline of an imagery of someone who is not visible directly but whose presence is otherwise experienced. All languages have a term to represent this phenomena. [For example, പിശാച് = Pishaash , ഭൂതം = Bhootham , സാത്താന്‍ = Saathan, യക്ഷി = Yakshi, രക്ഷസ്സ്= Rakshass, കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തന്‍ = Kuttichaattan, പ്രേതം= Pretham , മറുത= Marutha, Jinn = ജിന്‍ etc., in Malayalam language]

Hence, logically it could be concluded that there is some substance in the human concept of a ghost which is not scientifically proven yet. Neo-scientists of the past decades preferred to consider ghosts as a mere imagination of the fear filled mind of human beings.

But in the recent years, there are some scientists who spend much of their time and efforts to track down some ghosts and to establish some contact with those entities. The national geographic channel and the discovery channels occasionally enlighten us about the progress of such research works. There are even registered societies now who are in the field of this research. [See the website of the Ghost Research Society   as a typical example. There are hundreds of such websites in existence now, some trying to prove the existence of ghosts, some trying to disprove and some unbiased and just curious to investigate the facts !]

I have personally not come across any ghosts or their acts in my life. But I have heard of people known to me talking about their experiences. By analysing the various reports and histories that are recorded and available, I prefer to believe that ghosts are not merely an imagination of immature minds.

I was curious to know more about this subject and the actual facts behind this phenomena that has been haunting the human beings for ages.

To my great relief, this subject is also covered in detail in my favorite guide book which gave me the confidence to live like a matured human being leaving apart the anxieties and worries of life that I had for many years earlier. I also know that millions of human beings are in a state similar to the one that I had some years ago.

One of the purpose of my writing blogs here is to aid those few people who are willing to spend a few minutes reading my experiences to transform their lives to a better one by overcoming their anxieties and worries of life and live their life fully useful to them as well as  to others around them.

Now coming back to the question of ghosts. Are they real ? We need to know the facts. The what-why-who regarding ghosts in the most matter of fact manner. Now the facts I am going to summarize below are based on the information that I gathered from my favorite guide book of revealed knowledge.

Ghosts are in fact real. They exist and live on this earth. But they are not the loitering souls of the dead people. On the contrary, they are real invisible living beings who came into existence some thousands of years ago and are intelligent living personalities with some abilities much more than human beings.

The total number of these beings on earth is limited. In total there are 51,984 of these now living on this earth. Out of these 50,000 are much senior in age than the rest. The seniors came into existence nearly 200,000 years ago and the latter during the time of Adam and Eve, some 38,000 years ago.

They are normally not visible to human beings, but humans with some special sensory faculties of brain activated are able to visualize their presence. They are capable of travel at speeds near to light and do not eat or drink for energy. They are capable of taking energy directly from the universe energy sources that are available on earth. They are capable of making their presence felt to humans, but normally they avoid such a situation.

Though they do not die and are with a much higher intelligence and capabilities than human beings, they are not gods or even spiritual beings such as angels.

They are intelligent living being midway between human beings and spirit beings generally known as angels. Hence, an appropriate nomenclature to designate these special living beings of earth is Midway creatures or simply Midwayers.

The Midwayers are capable of causing effects of movement and changes on materials, but do not attempt such things under normal circumstances.

In a way the Midwayers of earth are the permanent citizens of earth and are the ones who are ensuring the over control of God's administration on the material realm of earth. They are subordinate to higher supervisory agents of the God's administration generally coming under the angelic orders.

Unfortunately, the majority of the Midwayers of earth have participated in a kind of rebellion against the Universal Rule of God and had worked to isolate earth from God some thousands of years ago and were successful in isolating earth from God by their nefarious activities. To do this they used their powers to project themselves appear as gods to innocent human beings.

As of today, their powers have been much curtailed. The smaller group of Midwayers comprising of 10,992 individuals have now established their line of administrative control with the Universal Administration of God to some extent. This group is now called the United Midwayers and they in a way work to fail the nefarious activities of the larger rebellious group. The rebellious group are in a way direction less now, as their top leaders in higher levels of existence are all rendered powerless to continue with their rebellion.

As of today, the larger rebel midwayer group keep doing their gimmicks of diverting human beings from the will of God, by helping out those humans who wish to adhere to such things that make them depart from God. On the other hand, the smaller group tries to help those humans who wish to adhere to goodness that God wants to perpetuate.

But it is to be noted that the Midwayers of both groups do not interfere with human activities under normal circumstances. However, human beings of lower mind capacities and those who have willingly submitted their mind to act against God's will come under the game plans of the larger rebel group in one way or the other.

Those of you who want to know more about my favourite guide book may visit my website dedicated to it. This website would also give the links to read the book online, if you so desire.

Recently, an Indian reader of this site informed me of the plans he and his friends to make a film on the Midwayers based on Urantia Book-my guide book of revealed knowledge.

I earnestly hope that their efforts would help more people to know of the facts that they should know.

[Those of the readers here who are of a higher intellectual level are likely to laugh at me for selecting a topic like this not suited for educated people. They are the scientifically oriented minds who wish to see things rationally. But at the same time the world is so large and innumerable incidences of the unexplainable varieties keep happening which make many people plunge into superstitions and constant fears. There are a good number of people who draw the gullible people to the realm of magics and other such things where the 'invisible powers' are 'used' for getting various kinds of temporary 'benefits'. Though such powers exist, there is absolutely no need to be scared of these as they are not empowered now to do any harm to normal people. At the same time it is not wise to seek any of those rebellious invisible powers for temporary benefits of any kind]

[Read more Urantia Book related blogs here !]