
Monday, August 27, 2012

Some Urantia Book Quotations that Keep Intriguing Me !

Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony—these traits inherent in evolving human nature—were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you (humans) during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you (humans) that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery.
[The Urantia Book 14:5.10]

Curiosity—the spirit of investigation, the urge of discovery, the drive of exploration—is a part of the inborn and divine endowment of evolutionary space creatures. These natural impulses were not given you (humans) merely to be frustrated and repressed. True, these ambitious urges must frequently be restrained during your short life on earth, disappointment must be often experienced, but they are to be fully realized and gloriously gratified during the long ages to come.
[The Urantia Book 14:5.11]

Each of the seven superuniverses is constituted, approximately, as follows:
One system embraces, approximately. . ................ . . . 1,000 worlds
One constellation (100 systems). . . . . . .............. . . .100,000 worlds
One local universe (100 constellations). . . . .. . . .10,000,000 worlds
One minor sector (100 local universes) . . . . ..1,000,000,000 worlds
One major sector (100 minor sectors) . .... . 100,000,000,000 worlds
One superuniverse (10 major sectors) . . ..1,000,000,000,000 worlds
All such estimates are approximations at best, for new systems are constantly evolving while other organizations are temporarily passing out of material existence.
[The Urantia Book 15:2.18]

Practically all of the starry realms visible to the naked eye on Urantia (Earth) belong to the seventh section of the grand universe, the superuniverse of Orvonton. The vast Milky Way starry system represents the central nucleus of Orvonton, being largely beyond the borders of your local universe. This great aggregation of suns, dark islands of space, double stars, globular clusters, star clouds, spiral and other nebulae, together with myriads of individual planets, forms a watchlike, elongated-circular grouping of about one seventh of the inhabited evolutionary universes.
[The Urantia Book 15:3.1]

Irrespective of origin, the various spheres of space are classifiable
into the following major divisions:
1. The suns—the stars of space.
2. The dark islands of space.
3. Minor space bodies—comets, meteors, and planetesimals.
4. The planets, including the inhabited worlds
5. Architectural spheres—worlds made to order.
With the exception of the architectural spheres, all space bodies have had an evolutionary origin, evolutionary in the sense that they have not been brought into being by fiat of Deity, evolutionary in the sense that the creative acts of God have unfolded by a time-space technique through the operation of many of the created and eventuated intelligences of Deity.
[The Urantia Book 15:6.1]

The Dark Islands of Space:These are the dead suns and other large aggregations of matter devoid of light and heat. The dark islands are sometimes enormous in mass and exert a powerful influence in universe equilibrium and energy manipulation. The density of some of these large masses is well-nigh unbelievable. And this great concentration of mass enables these dark islands to function as powerful balance wheels, holding large neighboring systems in effective leash. They hold the gravity balance of power in many constellations; many physical systems which would otherwise speedily dive to destruction in near-by suns are held securely in the gravity grasp of these guardian dark islands. It is because of this function that we can locate them accurately. We have measured the gravity pull of the luminous bodies, and we can therefore calculate the exact size and location of the dark islands of space which so effectively function to hold a given system steady in its course.
[The Urantia Book 15:6.11]

The laws of physical-energy behavior are basically universal, but local influences have much to do with the physical conditions which prevail on individual planets and in local systems. An almost endless variety of creature life and other living manifestations characterizes the countless worlds of space. There are, however, certain points of similarity in a group of worlds associated in a given system, while there also is a universe pattern of intelligent life. There are physical relationships among those planetary systems which belong to the same physical circuit, and which closely follow each other in the endless swing around the circle of universes.
[The Urantia Book 15:6.16]

While each superuniverse government presides near the center of the evolutionary universes of its space segment, it occupies a world made to order and is peopled by accredited personalities. These headquarters worlds are architectural spheres, space bodies specifically constructed for their special purpose. While sharing the light of near-by suns, these spheres are independently lighted and heated. Each has a sun which gives forth light without heat, like the satellites of Paradise, while each is supplied with heat by the circulation of certain energy currents near the surface of the sphere. These headquarters worlds belong to one of the greater systems situated near the astronomical center of their respective superuniverses.
[The Urantia Book 15:7.1]

Read the Urantia Book Paper 15
authored by a Universal Censor hailing from Uversa Online Here !

Read the Urantia Book Paper 14
authored by a Perfector of Wisdom commissioned thus to function
by the Ancients of Days on Uversa, Online Here !

View and Read all the papers of the Urantia Book
with the names of the respective celestial authors Online Here !

Get to know about the Urantia Book by reading some introductory information

[View the linked list of all Blogs of the Author Here ]

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