
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Finally Aadhaar ID is Downloadable-Here is How You Get It !

Today morning the inside page of my English Newspaper carried a halfpage advertizement from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

It had a bold title which said : Your AADHAAR now on your fingertips !  Buy the Latest Redmi 1S Mobile From FlipCart!

The ad gave the brief to the public how to get this now famous Aadhaar number using your mobile or through the internet.

It is imperative that you should have undergone the process of photographing and scanning your bio data some time previously and had obtained the Acknowledgement / Resident Copy from the enrolment agency man who took your photograph and scanned your eyes and fingers.

Now if you had kept that piece of paper properly there is hope that you can now get your aadhaar number or the electronic digital document giving your aadhaar details.

We should not laugh at the incapability of the government of India to deliver a very important document such as this for which they had spent crores of rupees securely to the person whose unique identity and address they have meticulously recorded using its own postal department !

Me and my wife had scanned ourselves an year ago and were waiting for the document to reach us by mail. But we did not get it though many who scanned themselves together with us in the same scanning booth claimed as getting those documents. Eventhough we live in a prominent address, we some how stood untraceable for the postal service. At least that was my thought so far.

Now since the UIDAI finally succeeded in making this advertizement, two things got clear to me. First, the UIDAI is part of the Planning Commission of India. And second, they had not completed preparation of the Aadhaar even for those who got scanned.

So taking cue from the advertizement I decided to use the internet route to get my Aadhaar.

I was successful and I got it. But to tell you the truth, I am a bit coversant with the computer transactions and that helped me a lot. The procedure, though apparently simple, could go wrong if you are not careful.

So for the benefit of those who would like to get their Aadhaar through internet, I would like to give some tips.

Here is how you do it.

First keep your Aadhaar Acknowledgement - Resident Copy ready with you.

Five things from this slip are important for you to get your Aadhaar.

1. The enrolment number / नामांकन संख्या . This is on the top left side of your slip below the Ashoka emblem of the governement of India. It looks something like this : 1053/61244/05470 . Note this number. Note that this number is in three parts, each separated by a slash (/) This slash is not to be typed when you enter this number online at the UADAI website.

2. The Date / तिथि -  This is given at the top right side below th Aadhaar emblem. Note that it is a date followed by the time in HH:MM:SS (Hour:Minute:Second) . All these six sets of digits in this are needed to be entered. Remember not to type the slash (/) or the colon (:)

3. Your Name - The name in English as given in your acknowledgement. You need to type it online in the website.

4. The PIN Code - The pincode as per your address in the acknowledgement slip. This also need to be entered online in the website.

5. Your mobile number - Your mobile number as given at the time of your enrolment is shown in your acknowledgement slip. This mobile number should be active and it should be with you for you to get the Aadhaar. An SMS is going to be sent to you to this mobile giving a temp password number which you need to enter for confirmation for you to get the link for downloading your aadhaar.

If all the above are duly noted and ready, you can now try to get your Aadhaar e-document.

Ensure that  the Adobe pdf reader installed and working in your PC / Laptop.

Since you are reading this blog online you are internet ready.

Now click this link [ Get Your e-Aadhaar Here ! ] to go to the website of UIDAI to fill up your details to download  the e-Aadhaar document in pdf format.

While you submit the details, a web page will open up asking confirmation of your mobile number with the last four digits displayed. Confirm it by clicking the button for it. If it is not your number reject or cancel the process. In such a case you perhaps cannot proceed further in this manner.

When the mobile number confirmation is done, an SMS will be received in your mobile from Aadhaar site. This SMS will give you this One Time Password (OTP) which you have to enter in the box provided for that in the webpage. The OTP contains digits and capital alphabets. Be careful in entering the same correctly.

Once the OTP is correctly entered, the e-aadhaar download link will appear. Click it and save your e-aadhaar in your computer.

One more thing to note. The pdf e-aaddhar file you downloaded is password protected. While you click it to open it will ask for a password. The password is your Pin Code of your address as per your enrolment slip.

You find your Aadhaar Number as a 12 digit number ( three groups of 4 digits each )

So that's it. You got your e-aadhaar and be happy ! A himalayan task accomplished by your government with years of intelligent work ! You should feel proud !

But then don't ask me how you change your address in the e-aadhaar, if you had shifted your residence in between. Perhaps that is not known even to the UIDAI too for the time being. They might think of it later after all the people get their aadhaar fixed up.

Also don't ask me how to make some corrections in the data (such as the mobile number ) if it got changed or recorded wrongfully. I have no idea. Perhaps not even the UIDAI too has not thought of it right now.

Then the big question, what if you do not have a mobile or internet ? That too when the e-aadhaar is essentially meant for helping people of that sort. I do not have any answer to that too !

I had earlier written some blogs that laymen like me can have in things like this.

If interested have a look at those by clicking these links:

Unique Identity to All: the Simple Thing to Do

The Unique Identity Crisis of India !

It is possible that you may have various kinds of complaint with regard to e-aadhaar. The UIDAI has a site which can be used to file your complaints. There are many other important things you can do and know here with regard to your Aadhaar.

To visit this site click this : e-Aadhaar Complaint Filing Online !

Here there is an important link which could be very useful for some. The UIDAI has thoughtfully included a system where we can do some corrections with regard to our data that is already recorded by UIDAI.

The corrections that are possible are Name, Address, Gender, Date of Birth and Mobile Number. But this correction can be done online only if you had a previously registered mobile number while you enrolled for aadhaar for the first time. Other wise you have to do this by contracting specified offices by post.

What all you have to do can be read by clicking this link: e-aadhaar self service update guidance

So aadhaar is slowly getting improved and is made the basis for many things by the government.

Already the authorities have mandated that in future all domestic LPG gas cylinder subsidies would only be refunded to the customers after they purchase the cylinders giving the un-subsidized price initially. To do this your aadhaar number has to be linked with your gas connection number.

For example Indane domestic gas consumers can do this in many ways. Visit the Indane site for doing this. 

Further your bank account also needs to be linked to your aadhaar number. Your bank will provide the form for doing this.

The methodology is slowly evolving. The forms and formats are getting popularized. Those who know about it more may share that information and their experiences using the comments facility below.

Latest On Aadhaar
2nd DECEMBER 2014

Though it was the former UPA government which took the initiative on Aadhaar, there were much internal conflicts within the UPA government ministries and as a result, the scheme was almost allowed to vanish after spending thousands of crores of public money.

Thanks to the vision and determination of the present Modi Sarkar, Aadhaar biometric based national identity initiative is getting more and more acceptance now.  It would perhaps get the statutory finishing touches and utility in the coming days. We could expect the government to take steps to overcome the problems people face and come out with a system which is amenable to error corrections in a much simpler way without causing trouble to the citizens.

Recently, the government took a decision to allow government pensioners including the ex-servicemen with Aadhaar to get their yearly ritual of 'life certification' for availing pension, much easier. They need not go to the banks or to any gazetted officer for getting the life certificate any more. They can also enroll for getting the Aadhaar in the nearest enrollment center.

More details of this can be obtained by visiting this new government website: Jeevan Pramaan.


  1. thxxxx budy good job.......

  2. It has come to my notice that some people, especially those who did not have a mobile connection, had not registered their mobile number during enrollment. The acknowledgement slip in their case will not have any mobile number. Some people in this category have been trying this procedure by giving another mobile number during the e-aadhaar download process. They get their One Time Password (OTP) on the mobile number that they give. However, the e-aadhaar download button doesnot work in this case. I do not know whether this is a temporary system error or something else. Unfortunately, the e-aadhaar website is not so user friendly. It may pose confusing for some people. The software designers have not done a good job, especially with regard to giving guidance to the users when things go wrong !

    1. Hi Rajan, you did a wonderful job.

    2. Very very useful. thanks for the info and congratulations for dissipating your knowledge for people's use.

    3. actually if its a chrome browser..... u don't get the download button
      it gets downloaded automaticaly..... i don't know if its my settings....

      I thot of sharing it

      Bt yeah..... those who havn't enrolled ay mobile no b4
      The above said works true........ my case was the same

    4. Your request cannot be processed now due to some technical issue. Please try again later.
      The same error message pops up from so many weeks when trying to get uid/eid by name. Called UIDAI and even mailed a number of times,but the problem is still there.

    5. I was also getting same error in chrome.Try using Internet Explorer. It will work.

    6. I keep getting an error "Invalid Aadhaar ID" when I try downloading the Aadhar card? Any of you who have experienced this? What do you then?

  3. Thankyou..i was stuck at the password protection and was typing OTP to open the pdf in vain.
    Its actually the PIN code that needs to be entered.

  4. The OTP is not getting generated:

    2. Entered the details
    a. Enrolment No. and Date time :
    b. Resident Name :
    c. Pincode :
    d. Enter the text shown

    3. Gives my mobile number with last 4 digits

    4. I click Yes to confirm, but the OTP is not getting generated or received on my mobile.

    Could you please help, how do I get pass this step

    1. This happens due to any one of the following:

      1. The uidai server/s not performing properly.
      2. They had already despatched your aadhaar card through post.

      In any case, as I have written earlier, the whole process is not a perfect one. Only the uidai could do something about it.

    2. When you see the last 4 digits of your mobile number, try answering NO. Then you will get a chance to correct/re-enter your mobile number and you will get your OTP!

  5. sir, I could not view my aadhar in the pdf farmat. it says the parameters are not correct. what should i do?

    1. I have now given the link to the complaint filing website of UIDAI at the end of my blog above. You may try making a complaint to UIDAI about your problem.

    2. type right pincode your area ok

  6. Hi I am not able to download the aadhar gettign error

    Download process failed, Please try again to download

    Tried several time. Doono what to do please help

    1. This problem could be due to erratic internet connections. Otherwise you may try filing a complaint with UIDAI using the link provided above.

    2. Multiple records found. Please enter the 28 digit EID with date time stamp.. Now tell me what does it mean?

  7. sir
    i lost my aadhaar enrollment slip.can i get my aadhaar card with enrollment number,date,time please help me.
    thank you sir.

  8. This is a genuine case. It is quite possible that the aadhaar enrollment slip can be lost from a person. Unfortunately, the UIDAI website does not address this problem. What we can hope is that they would find a solution to this in the near future. This is a case where the biometric and other data of the person concerned is already taken into the data base of the UIDAI and the link information (ie the enrollment number) is lost. I suggest that you write to the UIDAI using the contact address and email id provided in the 'contact' page of e-aadhaar complaint filing site for which the link is provided in the blog above. While writing to the UIDAI give all relevant information that are known to you such as your name, address, mobile number, place where the aadhaar scanning was done, etc. We can only hope that they would respond with a solution to your problem.

  9. Thanks Mr.Rajan for useful info.
    During enrolment, I missed to specify mobile number for my daughter, I got Aadhaar No through UIDAI site by providing mobile number for me and my wife. But I couldn't get to know my daughter's.

    You pointed the solution to download eAadhaar letter ( where I provided my mobile number and got letter of my daughter.

    Thanks again.

  10. Thanks Rajan sir for this valuable info..
    could you kindly tell me , after registration of aadhar card in how many days i'll able to download my E-aadhar card.


  11. During aadhar registration, I have not mentioned my mobile or email. Because of this, I cant download e-aadhar from internet,.
    how can I get e-aadhar card ? Please suggest.
    or is there any way so that I can provide my mobile number now. so that atleast in future I can download e-aadhar letter

  12. Sir i am enrolled Aadhaar on 06th Feb 2013, still i am not get my Aadhaar no. i received the message "Your Aadhaar is generated, but due to technical problem we are unable to process your request." what i can do for this

    1. Same Problem here .. .. What to do ?

    2. same problem here .. Any help?

    3. Kindly download only using internet explorer. Looks like other browsers are not supported

    4. Same problem.. enrolled on 23-April-2012 still shows "Number generation in process" message... :(

    5. This error is thrown when you don't enter the date and time along with the Enrolment ID.... You need to enter Enrolment ID date and time in 2 text boxes provided. Only then it will generate the OTP and then once the OTP is entered it will send the Aadhar ID to your mobile.

  13. Thank You Sir i got my e-Aadhaar card ! :)

  14. Sir,
    I have my aadhaar no.
    But the photo is not clear. So, i want to download E aadhar card. Can you suggest me something for it. I have lost my receipts of enrollment. Please sir


    UID NUM:81574941854
    ENROLLMENT NUM:1093/22055/00569
    BARCODE NUM:UF290779698IN

  16. For the kind attention of all those who have got some kind of problems with their e-aadhaar. Please go to the e-aadhaar self service update link which is given in the blog above. By clicking it you reach the self service update portal where many required info are given. At the bottom of this page is the link to go to the page where you can submit your update / correction request. For using this one should know your e-aadhaar number already alloted. Additionally you can also write to the UIDAI by e-mail for other kind of complaints.

  17. I have not recd my aadhar card so far

  18. My aadhar card No 1037/50003/49211 dt 25/10/2011 15:02:34 name T.M. VARADARAJAN, Pincode 600 112
    Mobile No.9042367296 My e mail Id is I have not recd the aadhar card from the Postal Department.How can I get the same.I got the ack slip. In computer I could not get the same kindly help me to get the card

  19. I have applied for my aadhar card since 2011 and it has not reached me
    yet. I am trying to download e aadhar card since 30 days as I have
    triedd many times it is asking me to try later. My aadhar card is an
    urgent neccessary. There for I am requesting you to solve this problem
    and inform me through mail or sms.

  20. Hi,Friends

    I am vishal if you have any problem for Aadhaar to call me this no.9673412079

  21. Sir its saying information about my adhaar card not available. What may be the reasom.

  22. sir i wana new adhar card but i m not greduate i have no id how to i get it

    1. नया आधार कार्ड के लिए आपको अपना जगह का एनरोलमेंट सेंटर जाना है. ये सेंटर कहां पर होगा, ये जानकारी e-aaddhar complaint filing online जिसका लिंक ऊपर दिया है उससे हो सकता है! लेकिन आपको कोई सरकारी ID [Ration Card, Voter Card, driving licence, etc] होना जरूरी है. जिसके पास ये नहीं है उसका क्या होगा इसके बारे में शायद UIDAI के अधिकारी गन अभी सोचा नहीं है! इस तरह के प्रश्नों का समाधान धीरे धीरे होना चाहिए !

  23. i recently updated my address and mobile my update was success but cant get print out with new address no procedure is found complaint to uidai not attended

  24. sir i have lost my acknowledgement slip please tell me how can i get my enrollment number, date and time please sir i am in urgent

  25. Excellent write-up, but what you think on the DBT introduced today? Is it old wine in new bottle? Or really help people in some way?

    I like it due to it's tech excellence nature, may be hard of people with low awareness but sure to pave way for higher tech living in society.

  26. You are right Mr Sharma. The Direct Bank Transfer (DBT) facility (for example: for reimbursement government subsidy on cooking gas direct to the individual)based on Aadhaar is going to bring in a lot more trasparency to the governmental systems in the future. Though, many departments have not published Aadhaar as a valid document for ID proof, slowly it is occupying the space. Last week, I got a new mobile connection easily with my e-aadhaar printout. It was accepted both for address and ID. Since aadhaar is linked to a person's unmistakable biometrics, sooner or later, it is going to be the basis (aadhaar) for all identities in India. Provided of course, the government of India, do not discontinue this venture as it is not yet based on a statute!

    By the way, your site, is much more informative. Keep it up !

  27. sir
    I lost my resistration slip,i dont have any detail of tha i dont have any detail of that, and my adhaar card is not recived yet. please help

  28. sir i lost enrollment slip but i have the aadhar no so with that can i get my aadhar enrollment no

  29. Sir iam try so Many time but same result
    Your enrolment status not availabe with us for detail status please visit ( Plz tel what is the problem sir

  30. Is the Aadhar number different from e-Aadhar. If not then why do premium organization like SBI don't accept e-aadhar as valid at all.

    1. We should not forget that Aadhaar has not yet become a statutorily authorised document. Perhaps that might happen in the future. In the meanwhile authorities such as the banks are not clear how to deal with it as the government has not provided non-ambiguous orders to that effect. In a democratic system, government is a plural authority with much internal conflicts !

  31. Sir while checking aadhar status online through mobile ,digits of enrollment I'd cannot be entered only ----- dash is showing and I m unable type digit in respective fields

  32. this blog is very usable to download my e aadhar card........................

  33. Hi,

    i dont have my enrolment no or slip or registration slip right now and i am in an urgency where my Adhar Card is needed. And i am not able to get my Adhar Card...So is there any way i can get my Adhar Card online and i can it print asap..
    Sir, please help me.

    1. Sir, please you can get it done as soon as possible and can also contact me on my mail id
      (on above requets)


  34. Sir I have downloaded e-aadhar for my son but digital signatures are not validate and question mark appears on the pdf file. I have lost registration slip but I have got enrollment details. Now how to get hard copy of my e-aadhar with valid certificate.

  35. Sir,
    My aadhaar generated and asked to download eaadhaar. I tried in eaadhaar portal so many times but see only "invalid input value" My family members enrolled with me and got eaadhaar. Contacted toll free number but no solution.Given complaint so many times. No response.Kindly tell me meaning of 'invalid input value"
    M.Prabakaran 1111/11115/02792 14/02/2013 17:25:15 pin 605007 ph no9444873502
    email help me.Thank you.

    1. Dear Dr Prabakaran,

      Pl try entering your name without the dot (.) You should try entering your name as M Prabakaran and not as M.Prabakaran. It will work.

  36. Dear Sir, me and my parents had enrolled for aadhar in early May 2013. In early june, we received sms that our aadhar numbers are generated. when we went online to download eaadhar - Only my eaadhar was opening, when trying to download my parents - Error message showing. When trying to check Aadhar status - it shows aadhar generated but due to technical reasons Aadhar letter is not available! When we called the aadhar helpline - they simply replied your aadhar is generated, kindly download it from internet. Kindly help me what to do

    1. This is a typical case of how errors creep in to computerized systems even when great personalities manage the show. As things stand today, it is impossible to have a perfect system as the people who make up the system are not perfect. Errors keep happening. Moreover, it is foolish to assume that the people entrusted to provide help could solve your problems. They may not even know what to do in some cases. Again, it only confirms that Aadhaar is not a foolproof 'aadhaar' for the people of India !

    2. How can aadhaar be foolproof ? For getting an aadhaar (remember, aadhaar means foundation) you need other aadhaars. If you do not have an ID proof and residence proof you can not enroll for getting an aadhaar card. Funny ! Is n't it ? How can a student or a employee who keep shifting their residences on account of their studies or profession get an address proof? Even if they manage to get one, what is the sanctity of it when the person has to shift residence even before the aadhaar card is prepared ? Foolish systems ! The great personalities that you have referred have not experienced the problems of India and Indians. When they do not contemplate such problems, how can we expect them to do justice to the people ?

  37. Hi Rajan,
    Can Aadhaar card be used as a document for re-issue of passport?

    1. Yes, it is accepted by the passport authorities for the said purpose.

  38. Sir
    This is an excellent job, u r doing sir. This blog has all the details of 'getting eaadhaar' as me as a part of (EA Sup.) enrollment process in kerala, i am very thankful of u, for giving guidelines to public s.

  39. i downloaded my e-aadhaar but m unable to open it, as it is asking for password. what password should i hav to use? suggest me pls,

    1. Use your postal PIN Code of your place that is in your registration (enrollment slip). This is your password to open your e-aadhaar.

    2. I also face this problem ( I downloaded my e-aadhaar but m unable to open it, as it is asking for password and I dont have slip, suggest me plzzz, )

  40. time of enrollmaent is not available in my aadhar card.
    How to find it.
    Date is given vertically at the left side of address.

  41. How to update the email address in Aadhaar card?

    1. in online...update is there only for name,address,Mobile number!!!!

  42. Please use Mozilla FireFox Browser with the eaadhaar site.
    I tried for many months using Internet Explorer and always got a Record/Site Not found Error.
    Today on using Mozilla FireFox, I could successfully download eaadhaar for my family members.

  43. Sir I have lost my acknowledgment slip and its been more then 4 months when i applied for aadhar card.How to get copy of acknowledgment slip?
    Please help me.

  44. you were doing a great work Sir.... i have tried several time to download adhar card for my elder daughter but the same i have downloaded myself, my wife's & my younger daughter "Your enrolment status not availabe with us for detail status please visit (".what can be the problem..

  45. Sir
    I have lost my adhar card,then i do the following steps

    2. Entered the details
    a. Enrolment No. and Date time :
    b. Resident Name :
    c. Pincode :
    d. Enter the text shown
    and click submit button.
    then it shows Your enrolment status not availabe with us for detail status please visit (
    what should i do ,please help me sir its very urgent

  46. You can not download because you exceed the maximum to download this card

    1. Hi Vijay, Please post if you have found any way to download or obtain eaadhar. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  47. Can I use the enrollment slip as the ID proof while checking in at a domestic airport?

  48. I haven't received my Aadhaar card yet, but i downloaded my eAadhaar card its asking pin password i got that on my mobile, when i type pin password pdf not opening. Please help me sir. Thank you.

    1. Use your postal pincode as password to open pdf.

  49. I have one common answer for all your questions.Read the following points
    If you are strucking at the time of downloading e aadhar there may be so many reasons;
    slow internet connection,
    not allowing pop ups,
    trying at peak hours(we know that the website is not user friendly),
    not reading the directions on every step,
    and not thinking logically at the time of operating system and many more.Don't be hurry in operating system,take time and think,what might be the reason for not workimk ok.
    If you have any doubts you can call to my number 9441074086

  50. I am trying to download the e-aadhar version for the last 2 weeks, but always getting a PDF with error message "Server Error in '/' Application. Could not find file 'C:\ApiXml\.xml'. I am not sure how much care is taken care in developing an application to support the eaadhar system as these types of error should not be shown to the end user. Also for enrolling, you do not require any other ID proof (enumerator's decision)... so this is surely not going to be a fool proof system , and the way all the process handled clearly shows that.( from enumeration..till the format)

  51. Sir,my brother lost his aaddhaar enrollment slip , how can i get my enrolment number for the help of getting current status of my aadhaar card,i am giving my details here
    name : MOBINSHA . V.M
    DATE OF BIRTH : 14 TH september 1979
    SIR can u mail me to

  52. sir, i get my aadhar card. how to check my aadhar details in system. please brief explain.

  53. Dear sir,

    My Enrollment no is 0111/20101/44001 14/05/2013/16/41/23 Many times I am trying to download my E-Aadhar card but after downloading I could not view my aadhar in the pdf farmat. it says the parameters are not correct.In this regard many times I discussed with customer care executive they have given different types of downloading Ideas but it shows same. finally they gave me a complain number but nothing was happens. Now it shows "you exceed the download limit" Please help me..............

  54. Hello Sir,
    My parents applied for aadhar card in the year 2011. one of them had received aadhar card and other couldnt. we dont have any enrolement deatails in hand. is it possible to track the other ardhar card with the help of available aadhar no. as both have enrolled at same date.
    Thanks for your great help.

  55. Hello sir,
    I am trying to download online e-adhar card but after entered all required details got the error "Invalid input value".I was tried many times.

    Pls let me know what info should i write in the field of Resident Name, i thing error has got it from their only


  56. if i get e-aadhar card then Adhaar card will get issued at my address?
    which one is final valid paper as document.
    in case of gas agency and bank records, and govt. related issues?

  57. Thank you so much! very much helpful!!!

  58. sir, lost my aaddhaar enrollment slip,but iknow my aadhaar can i get my aadhaar card

  59. Let a Law be made so that any data collected for this purpose can be used only by the government for only the purpose for it needs to be utilized and no other purpose and let any person or entity transferring this data to any other person or entity be strictly punished for it, otherwise let this scheme be discarded.

  60. what is the Enrolment No???? please help me

  61. error in downloading aadhaar card i.e ,You can not download because you exceed the maximum limit.
    Dear Sir/ Madam
    While download e-aadhar card system given message "you can not download you exceed the maximum limit"
    my Adhaar Card as of date card Registration is given below.

    Enrolment No:1008/22080/02441

    Date & Time: 19/02/2013 15:42:45

    Name: Jadhav Satish Nathrao

    pin: 431515

    is there any process, send me the details about that....


    Thank you

    1. Hi Satish, Please post if you have found any way to download or obtain eaadhar. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  62. Hello sir,
    I am trying to see my Aadhar details online. I entered the details and the OTP came to my phone. but with that i am not able to login. can you suggest what is going wrong?

  63. sir
    i have lost my resident copy.i have my enrolment number and aadhar number.i dont know can i download e-aadhar

  64. Sir
    From Last few months I was downloading Adhaar card from the link but in recent times when tried to open this link in my browser it gives me the message "enable connect plz try after some times". I tried in different browsers at different timings but Icould not connect it...........plz help me sir.

  65. How to Register Mobile Number with EID
    pl guide me

    1. The only way to do this is to go personally to your nearest service centre after getting an 'Appointment for Aadhaar Enrolment' online. To do this visit the e-aadhaar compliant Filing Online' the link for which is given in the blog above. Here you get the 'appointment' registration page link. Provide the information asked for and submit it to get the appointment date and time. You have to go to the said office nearest to your residence for getting your new mobile number registered. But, I have no idea whether such offices provide the service perfectly or not. Try yourself.

  66. Hi Rajan,

    Is downloadable copy of aadhar valid for passport verfication?

    If you could confirm this, that would be of great help.


    1. It should be valid. Otherwise e-aadhaar is useless. But you should remember that in this country, the officials concerned are a law unto themselves and a few of them might create problems. I have known cases where some official in some office accept it while some other does not.

  67. Now this Aadhaar issue is getting much complex with the Supreme Court's recent verdict that Aadhaar cannot be compulsory for any government services. This is quite understandable because, if it is made compulsory without ensuring the appropriate mechanisms to sort out its problems on various counts and without obtaining any statutory authorization for its standing, a good number of citizens are likely to be deprived of their rights in a clandestine manner. It is high time that the authorities and the right thinking people's bodies think about it.

  68. Hello Mr. Rajan C Mathew. I am downloading Aadhar from this side When i get aadhar status there is accure a error and giving a "message your status in not available". Would you help me to download Aadhar.

    1. A typical case of the outsourced private people responsible for entering the data not doing their work properly !

  69. Hai Sir, My aadhar card has no enrollment time, There is only date
    ,what to do?
    I want to see aadhar card online

    1. Another typical example showing how the Aadhaar program is error prone !

  70. have been trying for last 1 week, it does not open the link and displays as Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. - sanjeev

  71. Wow, my adhar is generated in just 8 days. I just couldnt believe. However when i try to click on get adhar and fill my details, it says your adhar is generated but due to technical error we cant process your request. My question is do you get sms or email after complete processing?

    1. wow, i am able to download e-aadhaar and also got aadhar number by sms. It took only 15 days for this. Is this indian record?

  72. Hi there! Would you mind if I share your blog
    with my zynga group? There's a lot of people that I think would really
    appreciate your content. Please let me know. Many thanks3

  73. Dear sir, I had enroled my son for aadhar card in dec'2012 but till date i had not received it...if i am trying to get its status online then it either shows "Your enrolment status not availabe with us for detail status please visit ( " or it shows 'Please enter correct date and time " though I am entering the correct enrollment number,date and time appearing on the enrolment slip..and when i am trying to get it through Help line number 1800-300-1947 or through sms as UID12345678901234 on 51969 is saying that "your aadhar card is under generation,please ask again after some days ".can you help me out of it,please..thanks

  74. error to download e aadhaar card, " Your Aadhaar is generated, but due to technical problem we are unable to process your request"

    note: i given same mobile no for me and my wife, my wife's aadhaar was already downloaded.

  75. error to download e aadhaar card, " Your Aadhaar is generated, but due to technical problem we are unable to process your request"

    note: i given same mobile no for me and my wife, my wife's aadhaar was already downloaded.

  76. Sir,
    State bank of India Mouda Branch is not accepting E-Aadhar. Asking for original for verification. Is it true

    1. If they are not accepting, they need to be trained and educated by the UIDAI. But in practice such things do not happen. Let us hope for getting people with the requisite brains and attitudes in relevant areas of public service including the banks!

  77. Hello there! I know this iss kind of off topic but
    I was wondering if you knew where I could get a captcha plugin for my comment form?
    I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having trouble finding one?
    Thanks a lot!

    Look into my website :: nerd

    1. Pl go to settings and then comments. Then look for word verification and set it 'Yes'. Save the settings. You're done.

  78. Dear sir, I had enroled my son for aadhar card in dec'2012 but till date i had not received it...if i am trying to get its status online then it either shows "Your enrolment status not availabe with us for detail status please visit ( " or it shows 'Please enter correct date and time " though I am entering the correct enrollment number,date and time appearing on the enrolment slip..and when i am trying to get it through Help line number 1800-300-1947 or through sms as UID12345678901234 on 51969 is saying that "your aadhar card is under generation,please ask again after some days ".can you help me out of it,please..thanks

  79. Thanks for your blog , it really helped me , i could do all the process and download the pdf file till now , but cudnt open the , didnt know that the password for it is the pincode. Atlast the task has been completed.

    Regarding the aadhaar card , i dont understand the one thing , why do the unsubsidized price is being collected first and then refunded in your bank account. they can register and attach our aadhaar to our LPG connection and directly give the cylinders at subsidised rates. any way the result is similar then why complicating things when it can be done as before and simplifying it. Don not know what difference it makes.

    One thing i observed about this congress government , all this troubling people are just the diversionary tactics of the government from their innumerable scams , non governance , inflation and economic slowdown.

    1. My dear friend! You observed correctly. If we had competent people with character and compassion occupying the various political and bureaucratic posts, we would not have faced such problems. Unfortunately, that is not the case now. And perhaps it might not happen that desirable way in the near generations as well.

  80. How can my previous enrolment number of 2011 because which is lost . my mobile number is 9810929037

  81. Thank you It is very useful i am satisfied............

  82. i am having aadhaar 12 digit number ,then i want my aadhaar card print ,help me sir

  83. Sir please help me ..........every time i enter my details i am getting only this message .............what to do its been 3 years i have applied aadhar card but not received it all my family members have already received their aadhar cards..................."No information is available for the entered ID i.e. 1093/11002/03229 14/09/2011 10:48:24

    1. Aadhaar implementation is not without errors and problems. It is a typical example of our system of governance as it stands now. Anyway you may try writing to UIDAI about your problem. Best wishes!

    2. but sir where to write to UIDAI..any contact details

    3. e-Aadhaar complaint filing site link is given in the blog above. But I am not sure how reliable or useful this is. You may try to find out yourself.

    4. I am also having the same issue - No information available for the entered ID

  84. Sir,
    I got my AADHAR by post and got eAADHAR of my wife downloaded, but my daughter's none by post and cannot from UIDAI as her receipt is lost, though on my mobile I duly got msg on generation of her AADHAR card.

    Will she (10yr) get a repeat chance again for enrollment or any way left to get that vanished identity?

  85. sir,
    when i try to download aadhaar it is showing sever has experienced with problem.....i am trying from last three days i am getting same msg...plzzz help me.......

  86. this is really strange - 2 of my family members e-aadhaar I could download, but for my dad it is always throwing error when I try to get OTP.
    "Server has experienced a problem. Please try again after some time."

  87. In the era of internet and computerization, when some of our governmental decision makers are trying to utilize this technology for some very important functions such as unique ID creation, voting, taxation and the like, for the ordinary citizens of the country, regrettably they forget one basic thing. That is the danger of mimicking developed nations without detailed understanding of the ground realities. For example, in the western nations, no one utilizes any unregistered software or hardware. In the developed nations people pay for their software and hardware and in turn get the support of their vendors for their technical issues. In India, the majority of computer users do not have the capacity to pay for all the hardware and software. The Indian household incomes are too low as compared to world standards. The Indian governmental policy makers do not have pretty no wisdom to think about the consequences of this situation. The majority of Indians, both at home and in their offices, use free software or pirated ones or beta versions. These would cause many problems when tried to be used for some important functions such as the ones I mentioned. On the top of that, the computer literacy of the average Indian is too poor to come out of the technical snags that get created as a result. Unfortunately, the Indian policy makers are too illiterate in computers to decide the better alternatives!

  88. when i try to open pdf file it asks for document open password? actually what is that?

  89. Dear Rajan Sir,
    I am Narayanan from Trivandrum. I tried to downoad e aadhar from net. I have got the OTP in my mobile. But the place provided for typing the One Time password is inactive. I have tried several times. I got the aadhar number also in my mobile. Please guide me to get a copy of my aadhar letter through net using the OTP that I have already received in the mobile.

  90. Dear Sir,
    My purse was stolen last week which contains my Adhar, sir I don't my Adhar number and not have the intimation slip, how can I get a duplicate copy of Adhar card, am waiting for ur valuable comments,......Deepa

  91. Dear Sir, I enrolled for aadhaar on 14/03/2013. Its still not generated and on the check status page on their website I am getting this error [Due to some technical problems your request could not be processed. Please try after some time.] what should I do. Should I reenroll for aadhaar

  92. sir i download id after i open that PDF is asking password

  93. I applied my id but it is saying that no data available for given id...

  94. When I try to download my Aadhar card, it shows "no information is available for the entered id aadhaar"
    My EID is 1308/00142/32385 05/12/2013 15:00:25

  95. आदरणीय महोदय / महोदया जी, मै भारत का वरिष्ठ नागरिक Malhari Motiram Lokhande ( मल्हारी मोतीराम लोखण्डे ) आपसे सविनय नम्र निवेदन है की, मैने दिनांक 14/04/2011 लगभग समय 09:30 को Voter ID की फोटोकॉपी जमा करने के बाद आधार के लिऐ नामांकन पंजीकृत किया गया था जिसकी प्रक्रिया निम्न द्वारा की गई ।
    Registrar : Govt. Of Maharashtra
    Enrolment Agency : Wipro Ltd. Agency, P.O. Box #1947, Bangalore-560001
    Enrolment Operator : Harish Borse
    Vishal Mahurkar
    आधार के लिऐ नामांकन पंजीकृत करने के बाद मुझे Enrolment Agency Enrolment Operator द्वारा Acknowledgement / Resident Copy नहीं दी गई |

    इस दिन मेरे साथ में मेरे पुत्र Adhinath Malhari Lokhande और पुत्रवधु Varsha Adhinath Lokhande द्वारा भी आधार के लिऐ नामांकन पंजीकृत किया गया था जिसकी प्रक्रिया भी उपरोक्त द्वारा हीं की गई उनका आधार कार्ड मुझे प्राप्त हो गया हैं, उनका आधार क्रमांक 3337 7820 7154 और 2237 6822 2292 है । लेकिन एक वर्ष बाद भी मुझे स्वयं का आधार क्रमांक एवं आधार कार्ड प्राप्त नहीं होने कारण कई बार 1800 300 1947 और 1800 180 1947 पर पुछताछ की पर सही जानकारी प्राप्त नहीं हो पायी ।

    अत: पुनः आधार क्रमांक एवं आधार कार्ड प्राप्त करने हेतु मैंने दिनांक 22/12/2012 को Ration Card, Voter ID की फोटोकॉपी जमा करने के बाद आधार के लिऐ नामांकन पंजीकृत कराया है । जिसका विवरण निम्नानुसार है । (फोटोकॉपी संलग्न है )
    Acknowledgement / Resident Copy
    Enrolment No. 1180/89209/17722 Date: 22/12/2012 12:28:07
    Malhari Motiram Lokhande
    Plot No. 22 No. 78/2,
    Om Park , Yawal Road, Gajanan Maharaj Mandira Jawal, Bhusawal,
    Bhusawal, Jalgaon, (Maharashtra) – 425201
    Date Of Birth : 01/10/1947
    Documents : Ration Card, Voter ID
    Registrar : Govt. Of Maharashtra
    Location Id : 90209
    Enrolment Operator : Ignasius Munshi Hansdak
    इसके उपरान्त भी मुझे मेरा आधार कार्ड प्राप्त नहीं होने कारण मैंने पर आधार कार्ड के स्थिती जानने के लिये
    Enrolment No. 1180/89209/17722 Date: 22/12/2012 12:28:07
    वेब साईट पर दिया जाने वाला Security कोड टाईप करने बाद निम्नानुसार रिज़ल्ट लिखकर आता है ।

    Your Aadhaar enrolment has been rejected. As per UIDAI’s records, you were earlier enrolled through another enrollment Id.

    इस स्थिती में कृपया मुझे आधार क्रमांक एवं आधार कार्ड कैसे प्राप्त हो सकता है साथ में क्या क्या करना होंगा इसकी जानकारी से यथाशीग्र अवगत करने का कष्ट करें ।

    पुनः पुनः सविनय नम्र निवेदन है कि, मुझे आधार क्रमांक एवं आधार कार्ड यथाशीग्र प्रदान करने की महान कृपा करने का कष्ट करें । मुझे आधार क्रमांक एवं आधार कार्ड से वंचित न रखें ।

    संलग्न :- उपरोक्ता नुसार फोटोकॉपीयाँ

    आपका प्राथी वरिष्ठ नागरिक

    Malhari Motiram Lokhande
    ( मल्हारी मोतीराम लोखण्डे )
    Plot No. 22 No. 78/2,”OM”
    Om Park, Yawal Road,
    Near Shri. Gajanan Maharaj Mandira,
    Bhusawal, Tal. Bhusawal, Dist. Jalgaon
    (Maharashtra) Bhusawal – 425201
    Email ID: lokhandeadhinath@gmail।com
    Mobile No. 9822770878

  96. Mr. RAJAN, You have done the great job saving our time in searching for the clues to unlock the pdf.. It helped me a lot.. thanks a lot

  97. where is time is writen in aadhar card

  98. Complete Support to Aadhaar Card from Generating to Delivery, All FAQ Answered, Customer Care Support Also Please Visit:

  99. I have no enrolment slip.which type i download adhar this possible??please help.

  100. As per the official UIDAI website ( ) this new set up of the central govt of India had spent Rs.3683.67 Cr till Nov 2013 for collection of biometric linked data of about 40 Cr Indian residents. That is nearly Rs 100 per individual. There are several other government agencies collecting data on individuals for various purposes. They all spent money for this on a regular basis. Then there is the permanent registration authority. What I am unable to understand is the total lack of coordination in the government departments and their inability to come to a common platform of thoughts to reduce duplication of works and wasteful expenditure of public money. Again the lack of vision and purpose is too evident for any person with some common sense. Perhaps such exercises could be generating some employment and in my opinion that is one thing which could be appreciated.

  101. Your site really helped..especially the trick to open the pdf. Thx a lot

  102. MY AADHAHR IS GENERATED, EVERY TIME I TRY TO DOWNLOAD IT, AFTER ENTERING Otp Immediately I get error encountered Please try again. This error is been happening to around 50 people i know. Kindly help, regards.

  103. hello sir , everytime whenever i checked my adhhar card status it shown under process check few days laters.. pls help me ..

  104. Hi,

    where can see the available pin code for adhaar card, as i saw many pin code are not available in adhaar card registration.Please help me ASAP. Thanks

    1. The password is your Pin Code of your address as per your enrollment slip.

  105. How to download if one have exceeded maximum download limit i.e. 10

    Please give the solution or is there any process to reset it.


    1. Hi Saurabh, Please post if you have found any way to download or obtain eaadhar. Your help will be greatly appreciated.


  107. Dear Rajan Sir,
    aadhar card cannot be downloaded and displaying the message " YOU CAN NOT DOWNLOAD BECAUSE YOU EXCEEDED THE MAXIMUM LIMIT " what to do next to download aadhar card

    1. Perhaps you did many trials. Any way you need not worry about this Aadhaar much. The new govt is reportedly planning some new system!

    2. Sir, Please post if you have found any way to download or obtain eaadhar. I am also facing same issue and I need eaadhar urgently for passport. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  108. Hello Sir,
    I lost my Acknowledgement slip but i remenber my UID , so how can i download my Aadhar card..? Is there any solution sir..?
    Waiting for your reply..

    1. The government under PM Modi ji has given up their opposition to Aadhaar and are thinking of retaining it with some improvements and introducing new guidelines and systems. The govt has reportedly given instructions to the UID authority and other departments to work jointly and evolve better systems. Hence, let us all wait for the new governmental guidelines and systems to evolve. Let us hope the present problems the citizens face would be addressed soon.

  109. hello sir I want to search names by pincode or village/district/state
    how plz give me details n web address

  110. hi sir

    My name is Kiran. one of my relative did not received her aadhar. she was enrolled in the year of 2011. while trying to know the status its showing like" No record found. Please refine your query and try again." again she enrolled in 2013 and 2014. Both of these enrollments are rejected due to duplication.My question is if they dont hav the record then how it will be duplicated.i even tried to downlod eaadhar but no use. Its mandatory for her to get the pension.i contacted the customer care but they are saying that u r enrollment id is wrong.Plz help me in this regard.

    1. Perhaps in this case the private enrollment agency did some goof ups that the data regarding the person had not been uploaded. What you can do in this case is to approach the concerned enrollment agency of your area (if it exists-check the UIDAI site to find the availability of permanent enrollment offices) for a fresh enrollment. Unless the authorities really gear up to solve such issues, we have to live with such things!

    2. When I try to download my Aadhar card, it shows "no information is available for the entered id aadhaar"
      My EID is 1349/50634/22539 30/11/2013 14:23:58 ganesan

  111. Hello Sir,
    I applied aadhar on 27/12/11 and i didnot get my aadhar. my aadhar slip was lost and the enrolment operator didnot upload my given email and mobile So, I neither retrive the details from website nor reapply. Plz help me

  112. You have exceeded maximum download limit i.e. 10...............Plz help me

  113. Respected sir
    I was in the cyber cafe today when a person siting next to me was printing out his aahdar card or something like that.
    The cyber cafe incharge asked me for my number since I know him from a long time I gave him however later I saw this message from aahdar saying
    " e-Aadhaar : your one time password is 678744"

    I never verified my aahdar or anything like that please help me out on what should I do next

  114. I saurabh am going to download the eaadhar by filling all the ditails correctly it show you have exceeded maximum download limit I.e.10 .please help for resolve above issue.

  115. I monika am going to download the e aadhar .it show you have excceeded maximum download limit i.e10 please help me solve this issue

  116. Great post on this topic, Thanks for sharing such awesome information, they are so beneficial and very captivating Aadhaar Card Download , Great work.

  117. how to open the download e adhaaar it seems there needs a password to be entered ....
    what is this password????????????

  118. when I went to check my adhar status it shows no record found pls find and refine your query now what I can do pls help me


  120. when i called for aadhar customer care they said that my aadhar was successful generated but when iam trying for downloading it shows my aadhar was not correct so what shall i do and the toll free number customer care executives cant do any thing so please rajan sir tel me what am to do to get my aadhar EID:10555515301773
    DATE:24/06/2011 TIME:11:50:20

  121. When trying to generate OTP for Adhaar No I get "Your request cannot be processed now due to some technical issue. Please try again later."
    What to do ?

  122. Thanks Man!
    You nailed it!!!
    Keep the good Gov jobs up :)

  123. i got my adhar card from status verification .Says it is generated and sent the adhar no to my mobile yesterday.. But when I tried to download , it says " details not matching with records". will it take time .Probably will it take time after no is allotted , to realise download?

  124. When trying to generate OTP for Adhaar No I get "Your request cannot be processed now due to some technical issue. Please try again later."
    What to do ?

  125. While trying to get new adhaar no. Even after entering the right CAPTCHA,it says invalid CAPTCHA..therefore i CNT get my OTP neither can i proceed farther please help.

  126. Hi everyone,

    You can download your Aadhaar card letter, even if your download limit is exceeded using this app :

    It also has lots of other features like Gas Linking Status, Aadhaar information update etc. Do try it and share with friends.

  127. one of the great opurtunity of india is aadhar it is best opartunity to get identify peoples living in india. the best service provided by indian government is uidai aadhar

  128. sir i aadhaar card not download beacause follow on error messege displayed " you have exceded maximum limit i.e. 20 for 7085/5997/8017

  129. Dear Sir, I an unable to update my aadhar card address update request through Online, it says that "ResidentUpdate is temporary unavailable". can you please suggest. This problem persists for the last 2 weeks. T

  130. Now,You can easily check your Aadhaar card on mobile. In case you aren't having a laptop or computer otherwise you aren't having an internet connection or are not capable of getting entry to it, you could track or check Aadhar status with the assist of your mobile telephone number for more click here

  131. Excellent post on aadhaar - Get to know the latest information about

  132. It seems I'm on the right track, I hope I can do well. The result was something I did and was doing to implement it.

  133. my aadhar no:229070616612 i cant download my aadhar card. server error try again after some time how to resolve

  134. It was really Helpful, also you can check out Is Aadhaar Card required for NRI?/Is Aadhaar Card required for NRI?/a>


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