
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why Corruption Cannot Be Eradicated in Democratic India Now ?

Perhaps you know what is meant by this wise saying :

Necessity is the mother of invention.

If you observe human history, it is easy to find that this is true. Human beings use their brains when confronted with some essential requirements which they feel as important for their survival and come out with their own unique techniques of survival to circumvent the problem they face.

In India they faced such a problem way back in the first half of the 20th century.

They were given the name Indians because they belonged to a mixed race comprising of evolving races identified by anthropologists as Dravidians, Aryans, Mongoloids, indegenous tribals and their crossbreeds living in the Indian peninsula or sub-continent. The majority of them were illiterate and perhaps never knew they were Indians because that was the name given to them by non-Indian scientists and historians.
Again there was no India except in the documents of the British empire as it was the latter which used to refer the sub continent in their administrative control as India.

But for the people who lived in the sub continental regions knew pretty nothing about much of the others who shared their land in other places. They identified themselves with the caste titles and identified the others based on their castes or religions or the local royals who ruled them.

The Europeans traders slowly established their influences over the local rulers and by the nineteenth century, the British became the prominent European presence in the sub continent establishing their rule over most of it.

The British never had to fight a serious war with the Indian local royals to take control of their territories, though they had to do such things with local war lords such as Hyder Ali and his son Tippu in the South. The north, the east and the south upto the Deccan were remnants of the disintegrating Mughal empire ruled by the cheiftains of the Mughals who retained their powers on the unquestioning populace with the might of their rude and crude officials. The latter over the years have learnt that the majority Indians are a perpetually scared lot who could be controlled easily by the weilding  the lathis (canes) or by shouting some galis (foul language) They also knew to retain their position and power by showing extreme loyalty to their higher ups.

The British traders learnt the working of the hierarchy that worked in India. On the top of these various hierarchies that penetrated India of that time were the local kings who were pampered by their coteries of officials and their subordinate coteries. The majority people simply existed without ever questioning the system that ruled over them. They were always fearful of those wielding the lathis (or the single barrel guns) and yelled galis at all opportunistic occassions.

The top man was not essentially a cunning tyrant who was feared by all, but a lazy pleasure loving royal pampered by the coterie below. So it was easy for the British trading bosses to get closer to these rulers and establish their influencing control over them in a few decades of time eventually integrating the controls to establish the British rule over the Indian sub continent.

The Indian coteries that were around the local royals soon migrated to surround the British officials. Those who wish to be in this circle soon began to learn the english language and the systems that facilitated entry into the British coterie system.

Through that learning those Indians involved in it learnt about the world and the democratic way of getting power. It was easy for them to realize that in a country of poor illiterate and fearful people it was very easy to get into powerful positions using the new technique of democracy.

It was the golden opportunity for the non-royals to get those traditional royals replaced . No bloodshed, no coup, but the democratic way of getting the support of their 'country cousins' in the form of votes was enough to accomplish it.

Thus emerged the political class of India, a very distiguished mixture of ambitious people who wanted to occupy the seats of power and enjoy life just their local royals had been doing earlier.

What was required was to know the trick of getting the 'votes' during the elections to their favour from their unfortunate and ignorant country cousins.

They knew the weakness of their ignorant country cousins. They were a fearful people and never applied their own minds to think rationally. Due to fear they often chose to go with the majority. Whatever appears as the majority decision to them that was their decision. If the majority around them praised Mr X, they too praised Mr.X.

If the majority talked about Cricket, they too talked about Cricket and became fans of those Cricketers.

It was easy to manipulate their minds by eloquence even though such eloquence actually meant nothing.

Advertizement gimmicks have the greatest impact on these country cousins always.

What was required to be in power was to get the support of this pliable public always.

For that there should be always a majority who retained their position as pliable public.

There should be enough money in the hands of those getting into the political class status for maintaining that status by by perpetual manipulation of the pliable public.

It was pure necessity.

Necessity imposed by the new democratic system of India.

It was quite a learning for them to realize that both these requirements can be easily met by using their power.

Power can be used to extract money from the pliable public and also keep the pliable public in that status as long as they wanted.

No internal threats, no external threats.

Are they fools to do something that would destabilize the beautiful system that evolved in a few decades after the British fellows and the traditional local royals got displaced ? 

[Please also take some time to come back and read my previous  blogs and blogs on other topics as well. You can reach to those by clicking the links in this page. I would be happy if you take some time to express your views using the comments facility down below. Please  use the same comment facility to interact with me for any doubts or clarifications that you might have. Here is the page link which gives the   list of all my blogs  where you can open all my blog titles.] 


  1. Very interesting and insightful article. However the journey starts from where the Mughal empire ends. I am interested in knowing when did this cowardiness started to creep in

    1. My dear friend,

      Cowardice arise out of fear. Fear is a trait predominantly found in most animals and also in humans with underdeveloped minds. While fear is an essential safeguard to escape from life threatening dangers, unreasonable fear can get built up in mind mechanism from fearful experiences of the past. Some birds fear scarecrows due to that. I have heard of a tribe in the Andaman islands who fear anything in the form of an old fashioned gun arising out of some scaring experiences their immediate ancestors had faced from gun wielding intruders to their lands.
      India, especially the north, was a land of wars and invasions and the people there had seen many blood baths. All fearsome experiences. The survival techniques they had learnt is to bow down before their tormentors to show extreme outward loyalties to safeguard their lives. A physically strong and warrior kind may not resort to such a thing. But the weaklings would always do it. Unfavourable cross breeding and race mixing under conditions of physical threats and submissions had made the Indian mixed races a kind of non warrior and non adventurous type. Experience of the generations have perhaps made them realize the benefits of being submissive to the mighty and the powerful, at least in direct interactions !

  2. The Corruption is the in India can be thrown out,but for that we require support from the youth of the is up to them that how long they can follow this fundamental.

  3. Elections in India seems to be an affair of manipulations. A good majority of middle class and upper class people with verifiable identity and address are getting systematically eliminated from the voters' lists. Many of them do not have any valid voter's ID cards. Because, the political agents of the major political parties now do not take interest in getting this class included. During elections, their agents avoid going to this class of individuals. As they are well to do, they from their part do not take the troubles of voting. Effectively, the majority of the well read populace of India who are not connected with any political parties ( perhaps as much as 40% of the adult population) gets effectively eliminated from the election process this way. The rest are those who matters, but they are the ones with no proper address or identity but are appearing in the voters' lists. In some state border areas and metros, their names might even appear in different constituencies.

    In the remote booths away from the towns and cities, the polling officials with no effective training and knowledge, drawn at random from available stock of government or quasi government employees using coercive methods of the election laws, proceed unwillingly under inhuman conditions and facilities for conducting the elections carrying the machines and other election gear. They have to make their own arrangements for food, water and for attending the nature's calls and naturally come under the mercy of the local lords. What would you expect them to do for the conduct of a fair election? There are agents in most places to do everything 'properly'. And the elections are done or conducted. The ultimate outcome of a constituency depends on the 'average effect' of the 'proper manner' of voting. And for doing all these in the 'proper manner' money is needed. Both officially and unofficially and the latter has naturally to come from unofficial sources. My feeling is that the election process of India needs total overhauling. One of the immediate measure in my opinion is to designate some public offices as permanent election booths with some one responsible for their up keep and maintenance. All such booths shall be with some common minimum facilities, address, security, communication and shall be practically approachable and identifiable by global positioning techniques. All Indian citizens should have a citizen card and they should be allowed to use their franchise anywhere according to their permanent or temporary location. Voting in more than one booth in a specified period could be made an offence. The wasteful exercise of voter's list making prior to every election should be avoided. Government, if they are serious, should not allow all its departments and authorities to make and issue ID cards the way they like. There should be a statutorily empowered authority for making, issuing and updating citizens' ID cards which should be valid for all purposes.
    In reality, the present system of ID card making in India has enabled this country to have more citizens than it actually have!

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