
Saturday, July 27, 2013

A New Malayalam Blogsite and Some Tips for Making Your PC Malayalam Enabled !

Though I had written a few blogs in Malayalam language in Malayalam font in this site ( You can see that list here - രാജന്‍ സി മാത്യുവിന്റെ മലയാളം ബ്ലോഗുകള്‍ ! ) I thought it a good idea to start a new site using blogger for dealing exclusively topics that could be of interest to those who can read Malayalam.

The blog site would appear in the name :

ഇലന്തൂര്‍ അച്ചായന്റെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങള്‍ !

I would request all those who can read Malayalam to have a look in to these blogs dealing with contemporary issues that is of interest to Keralites, especially those from the central Travancore area.
For reading and writing malayalam font, you may have to install malayalam unicode software in your laptop or PC.

The best way of doing that is to install the Google language input tools for Windows ( if you use Windows as your operating system)

You can go to this site, select your option as Malayalam and agree to Google terms and conditions to visit the page that gives further directions to download and install the required language tool. Once you did that, you have to watch the language icon at the botton right corner of your task bar where you normally see the language tab as EN (for english) You can click this to change to MY (for Malayalam) . Once this is shown in MY form, whatever you type in english would get changed to equivalent Malayalam font. A little trial and work out, you would become an expert in typing in Malayalam.

But Google Malayalam that you have installed may not be very good as far as the style of the Malayalam displayed on your PC screen. In that case you may have to install a few Malayalam fonts (software program that enables your PC operating system to display and understand the alphabets of your Malayalam language). There are many such Malayalam font software packs designed by various developers and are in common use. This could be easily done by downloading these fonts and installing them in the font folder of your operating system. There are various websites that provide the links for such downloads.[For example try this or else try this Kerala government site or  do a Google search] As I understand it, getting the unicode enabled Malayalam font would make the usability universal. After you download the font file, in window xp, go to start > control panel > fonts > file > install new fonts and select the folder in which you had downloaded the font file. Locate the font file (remember the name such as Karthika, Raghu, etc) and click it to transfer or install it in the font folder of windows xp.

Once you do these you would be able to type and read Malayalam on your PC. Before you install these, check their compatibility for the operating system that you use and also do a scan for any viruses.

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