
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More About the Author of Rajan C Mathew's Blogs and A few Words About the Blog Too !

The page views of my blogs hit the 100,000 mark a couple of days ago. Not a small thing for a blog site using the Google's blogspot / blogger platform considering the fact that this has happened in just over a year's time. Besides, the blogs are not on popular topics such as food, lifestyle, sports, politics, gadgets, cooking and the like.

I do not know, how many of the site visitors stay there to read the blogs in total. Such readers could be very very few. I know the majority of the page visitors are visiting those blogs which I consider as not so important. The visitors to the topics which I consider as important are only a minor fraction of the total visitors. I know the reason and I am not surprised.

I do not know how many of my readers have read the caption that appear at the top of the blog page. It reads like this:

'View Points and Commentaries from an Open Minded Indian Engineer- A Silent Observer of Human Achievements, Trials and Tribulations. A Fascinated Indian Student of the Urantia Book, writing Blogs based on the Universal Truths Revealed in this Book, realizing pretty well that these won't make any difference unless the Reader has a Desire to seek Truth and Goodness!’

As very few readers use the comment facility or the 'Join this site' facility, I have no idea regarding what the readers might be thinking. Most likely, the majority might be considering these as 'rubbish'. I am not surprised.

But there are a few, who gives positive and encouraging feed backs. I am happy that their minds get positively inspired to think, regardless of my poor writing with no real consideration to literary aesthetics. Regrettably, I type the blogs directly the input editor and do not get more time to do the fine tuning. I do wish some readers would give me some feedback on that, so that I could give some more attention.

The writing style I adopt might appear a bit complex. I realize that. I should make some future attempts to make them simpler to understand and read.

For those readers who find my topics interesting, I have a suggestion. I have recently included the 'search' facility and the 'Google Translate' facility on right side. I do not know how far the machine translation would be useful to the non-English readers. But the search facility would be helpful to find other blogs written by me which deal with similar ideas. 

A few of the readers would be interested to know more about me. A Google search for my name would give most of the desired information. Those interested to contact me may also use the comments facility. I would try to respond or communicate with them personally. My personal website link given on the right side also could be used.

I am thankful to the handful of the Urantia Book Readers' world community who read my blogs a bit carefully. They are the few spiritually starved people of this world who are thirsty for spiritual truths. 

I do hope that more and more of such people would devote some time to spread the light of spiritual light in this world by being real examples of living a fruitful life in accordance with the will of God.

May the Grace of the Universal Father God prevail on this world to progress materially and spiritually in the generations to come!

[More on the Blog Site Info Page]


  1. Hi Br. Rajan.
    Here comes a BIG CONGRATS!!!
    Keep it up!!!
    Keep Going!!!
    Best Regards
    Rajan, Please note that the word verification here gives you trouble to your readers to comment sometimes it really confuse people,. so many do not comment and go away, so please remove/takeout this from here and made easy for your readers to comment. This you can do it by visiting your dashboard. Thanks.
    Philip Ariel

    1. Thank you, Br.Philip.
      Perhaps your response(indeed encouraging!) came immediately after the blog got published. Perhaps, a first for this site !
      I would look in to the suggestion. Hope to make the necessary changes as suggested.

    2. Word verification for comments removed, henceforth, as suggested.

  2. This is a topic that's close to my heart... Thank you!
    Where are your contact details though?

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