
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Roots of Mixed Indian Civilization: Some Facets of the Lost History Retold !

Yesterday I wrote about the first and lost civilization of earth, the Dalamatian Civilization which was established some 500,000 years ago and progressed uninterrupted for another 300,000 years only to be lost almost entirely some 200,000 years ago. It was the longest civilization that mankind ever had. [You may read the blog article to know more about this original Mesopotamian civilization if you so desire]

It is important to note that all these developments took place in the geographic locations which are part of Central Asia with the origin of the first human beings and later the colored Sangik races in the previous 500,000 years happening in the north western highlands of the India. So the land of India has a special relevance in our world history that our present day historians unfortunately have lost track due to various reasons.  

In this blog I would provide some important narrations from my book of life guidance  where in the super mortal authors of the book remind us some of the pertinent world history that human historians could not gather especially with regard to the importance of the land of India.

It should be kept in mind that these may not be fully agreeable to the present day historians and archaeologists not because the information that I quote is wrong but because they have not yet fully discovered all the lost  evidences by their continuing archaeological investigations . However, the revealed information of the book I mentioned given through super human sources would undoubtedly provide valuable insights and directions to our scientists and researchers  and facilitate their research studies in the near future. In fact, such a thing is happening ever since the book was made available to modern day human beings.

Indians like me are proud of the immense treasure of knowledge that have been available in this country from ancient times. The so called Vedic religions of the Vedic period of India, while giving immense material to historians and oriental spiritualists for varying levels of intellectual and theological debates also provide material for disputes and speculations among the orientalists and the occidentalists.

This clearly indicates that there are much missing links of information in this field even while we have a wealth of pre-historic texts, epics and religious texts laced with imaginative mythologies. This only confirms the existence of a wide variety of cultural sources and cultural intermixing in the Indian soil. These inter racial and inter cultural mixing has made India a land of wide contrasts.

There are advantages and disadvantages for India and Indians from this kind of a situation. It depends how these cultural heritage is leveraged for advancement and progress.

Now let me quote some of the observations of the super human authors ( yes, I literally meant superhuman because they are not humans!) of the book about India:

Asia is the homeland of the human race. It was on a southern peninsula of this continent that Andon and Fonta were born; in the highlands of what is now Afghanistan, their descendant Badonan founded a primitive center of culture that persisted for over one-half million years. 

Here at this eastern focus of the human race the Sangik peoples differentiated from the Andonic stock, and Asia was their first home, their first hunting ground, their first battlefield. 

Southwestern Asia witnessed the successive civilizations of Dalamatians, Nodites [descendants of the rebel staff of the celestial earth ruler Caligastia], Adamites [mortal children of Adam and Eve and their descendants], and Andites [Children of Adam and his Nodite wives and their descendants], and from these regions the potentials of modern civilization spread to the world. 

For over twenty-five thousand years, on down to nearly 2000 B.C., the heart of Eurasia was predominantly, though decreasingly , Andite. [Since Adam and Eve were non-evolutionary, their blood streams contained the Rh Negative factor. Hence, the Adamites and the majority of Andites most likely had Rh Negative blood.] 

In the lowlands of Turkestan the Andites made the westward turning around the inland lakes into Europe, while from the highlands of this region they infiltrated eastward. Eastern Turkestan Sinkiang and, to a lesser extent, Tibet were the ancient gateways through which these peoples of Mesopotamia penetrated the mountains to the northern lands of the yellow men. 

The Andite infiltration of India proceeded from the Turkestan highlands into the Punjab and from the Iranian grazing lands through Baluchistan. These earlier migrations were in no sense conquests; they were, rather, the continual drifting of the Andite tribes into western India and China.

For almost fifteen thousand years centers of mixed Andite culture persisted in the basin of the Tarim River in Sinkiang and to the south in the highland regions of Tibet, where the Andites and Andonites had extensively mingled. The Tarim valley was the easternmost outpost of the true Andite culture. Here they built their settlements and entered into trade relations with the progressive Chinese to the east and with the Andonites to the north. In those days the Tarim region was a fertile land; the rainfall was plentiful. To the east the Gobi was an open grassland where the herders were gradually turning to agriculture. This civilization perished when the rain winds shifted to the southeast, but in its day it rivaled Mesopotamia itself.

By 8000 B.C. the slowly increasing aridity of the highland regions of central Asia began to drive the Andites to the river bottoms and the seashores. This increasing drought not only drove them to the valleys of the Nile,Euphrates,Indus, and Yellow rivers, but it produced a new development in Andite civilization. A new class of men, the traders, began to appear in large numbers.

When climatic conditions made hunting unprofitable for the migrating Andites, they did not follow the evolutionary course of the older races by becoming herders. Commerce and urban life made their appearance. From Egypt through Mesopotamia and Turkestan to the rivers of China and India, the more highly civilized tribes began to assemble in cities devoted to manufacture and trade. Adonia became the central Asian commercial metropolis, being located near the present city of Ashkhabad. Commerce in stone, metal, wood, and pottery was accelerated on both land and water.

But ever-increasing drought gradually brought about the great Andite exodus from the lands south and east of the Caspian Sea. The tide of migration began to veer from northward to southward, and the Babylonian cavalrymen began to push into Mesopotamia.

Increasing aridity in central Asia further operated to reduce population and to render these people less warlike; and when the diminishing rainfall to the north forced the nomadic Andonites southward, there was a tremendous exodus of Andites from Turkestan. This is the terminal movement of the so-called Aryans into the Levant and India. It culminated that long dispersal of the mixed descendants of Adam during which every Asiatic and most of the island peoples of the Pacific were to some extent improved by these superior races.

Thus, while they dispersed over the Eastern Hemisphere, the Andites were dispossessed of their homelands in Mesopotamia and Turkestan, for it was this extensive southward movement of Andonites that diluted the Andites in central Asia nearly to the vanishing point.

But even in the twentieth century after Christ there are traces of Andite blood among the Turanian and Tibetan peoples, as is witnessed by the blond types occasionally found in these regions. The early Chinese annals record the presence of the red-haired nomads to the north of the peaceful settlements of the Yellow River, and there still remain paintings which faithfully record the presence of both the blond-Andite and the brunet-Mongolian types in the Tarim basin of long ago.

The last great manifestation of the submerged military genius of the central Asiatic Andites was in A.D. 1200, when the Mongols under Genghis Khan began the conquest of the greater portion of the Asiatic continent. And like the Andites of old, these warriors proclaimed the existence of "one God in heaven." The early breakup of their empire long delayed cultural intercourse between Occident and Orient and greatly handicapped the growth of the monotheistic concept in Asia.

India is the only locality where all the earth races were blended, the Andite invasion adding the last stock. In the highlands northwest of India the Sangik races [the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo and Blue races of humans originating from the Sangik family of North West highlands of India]  came into existence, and without exception members of each penetrated the subcontinent of India in their early days, leaving behind them the most heterogeneous race mixture ever to exist on earth. Ancient India acted as a catch basin for the migrating races. The base of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltas of the Ganges and Indus being the work of the last fifty thousand years.

The earliest race mixtures in India were a blending of the migrating red and yellow races with the aboriginal Andonites. This group was later weakened by absorbing the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race, was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. But the so-called aborigines of India are hardly representative of these early people; they are rather the most inferior southern and eastern fringe, which was never fully absorbed by either the early Andites or their later appearing Aryan cousins.

By 20,000 B.C. the population of western India had already become tinged with the Adamic blood, and never in the history of earth did any one people combine so many different races. But it was unfortunate that the secondary Sangik strains predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago; more of the primary Sangik strains would have contributed very much toward the enhancement of what might have been an even greater civilization. As it developed, the red man was destroying himself in the Americas, the blue man was disporting himself in Europe, and the early descendants of Adam (and most of the later ones- the violet people) exhibited little desire to admix with the darker colored peoples, whether in India,Africa, or elsewhere.

About 15,000 B.C. increasing population pressure throughout Turkestan and Iran occasioned the first really extensive Andite movement toward India. For over fifteen centuries these superior peoples poured in through the highlands of Baluchistan, spreading out over the valleys of the Indus and Ganges and slowly moving southward into the Deccan. This Andite pressure from the northwest drove many of the southern and eastern inferiors into Burma and southern China but not sufficiently to save the invaders from racial obliteration.

The failure of India to achieve the hegemony of Eurasia was largely a matter of topography; population pressure from the north only crowded the majority of the people southward into the decreasing territory of the Deccan, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Had there been adjacent lands for emigration, then would the inferiors have been crowded out in all directions, and the superior stocks would have achieved a higher civilization.

As it was, these earlier Andite conquerors made a desperate attempt to preserve their identity and stem the tide of racial engulfment by the establishment of rigid restrictions regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the Andites had become submerged by 10,000 B.C., but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this absorption.

Race mixture is always advantageous in that it favors versatility of culture and makes for a progressive civilization, but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short-lived. A polyglot culture can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing reproduction of superiors, is unfailingly suicidal of cultural civilization.

Had the Andite conquerors been in numbers three times what they were, or had they driven out or destroyed the least desirable third of the mixed orange-green-indigo inhabitants, then would India have become one of the world's leading centers of cultural civilization and undoubtedly would have attracted more of the later waves of Mesopotamians that flowed into Turkestan and thence northward to Europe.

The blending of the Andite conquerors of India with the native stock eventually resulted in that mixed people which has been called Dravidian. The earlier and purer Dravidians possessed a great capacity for cultural achievement, which was continuously weakened as their Andite inheritance became progressively attenuated. And this is what doomed the budding civilization of India almost twelve thousand years ago. But the infusion of even this small amount of the blood of Adam produced a marked acceleration in social development. This composite stock immediately produced the most versatile civilization then on earth.

Not long after conquering India, the Dravidian Andites lost their racial and cultural contact with Mesopotamia, but the later opening up of the sea lanes and the caravan routes re-established these connections; and at no time within the last ten thousand years has India ever been entirely out of touch with Mesopotamia on the west and China to the east, although the mountain barriers greatly favored western intermixing.

The superior culture and religious leanings of the peoples of India date from the early times of Dravidian domination and are due, in part, to the fact that so many of the Sethite priesthood entered India, both in the earlier Andite and in the later Aryan invasions. The thread of monotheism running through the religious history of India thus stems from the teachings of the Adamites in the second garden (of Eden they established in the Euphrates valley after they had to run away from the first Eden garden now submerged in the Mediterranean sea.) 

As early as 16,000 B.C. a company of one hundred Sethite priests entered India and very nearly achieved the religious conquest of the western half of that polyglot people. But their religion did not persist. Within five thousand years their doctrines of the Trinity concept of Diety (the concept of the original trimurti or triune existence of Paramatma ) had degenerated into the triune symbol of the fire god (the trishula).

But for more than seven thousand years, down to the end of the Andite migrations, the religious status of the inhabitants of India was far above that of the world at large. During these times India bid fair to produce the leading cultural, religious, philosophic, and commercial civilization of the world. And but for the complete submergence of the Andites by the peoples of the south, this destiny would probably have been realized.

The Dravidian centers of culture were located in the river valleys, principally of the Indus and Ganges, and in the Deccan along the three great rivers flowing through the Eastern Ghats to the sea. The settlements along the seacoast of the Western Ghats owed their prominence to maritime relationships with Sumeria.

The Dravidians were among the earliest peoples to build cities and to engage in an extensive export and import business, both by land and sea. By 7000 B.C. Camel trains were making regular trips to distant Mesopotamia; Dravidian shipping was pushing coast wise across the Arabian Sea to the Sumerian cities of the Persian Gulf and was venturing on the waters of the Bay of Bengal as far as the East Indies. An alphabet, together with the art of writing, was imported from Sumeria by these seafarers and merchants.

These commercial relationships greatly contributed to the further diversification of a cosmopolitan culture, resulting in the early appearance of many of the refinements and even luxuries of urban life. When the later appearing Aryans entered India, they did not recognize in the Dravidians their Andite cousins submerged in the Sangik races, but they did find a well-advanced civilization. Despite biologic limitations, the Dravidians founded a superior civilization. It was well diffused throughout all India and has survived on down to modern times in the Deccan.

The second Andite penetration of India was the Aryan invasion during a period of almost five hundred years in the middle of the third millennium before Christ. This migration marked the terminal exodus of the Andites from their homelands in Turkestan.

The early Aryan centers were scattered over the northern half of India, notably in the northwest. These invaders never completed the conquest of the country and subsequently met their undoing in this neglect since their lesser numbers made them vulnerable to absorption by the Dravidians of the south, who subsequently overran the entire peninsula except the Himalayan provinces.

The Aryans made very little racial impression on India except in the northern provinces. In the Deccan their influence was cultural and religious more than racial. The greater persistence of the so-called Aryan blood in northern India is not only due to their presence in these regions in greater numbers but also because they were reinforced by later conquerors, traders, and missionaries. Right on down to the first century before Christ there was a continuous infiltration of Aryan blood into the Punjab, the last influx being attendant upon the campaigns of the Hellenistic peoples.

On the Gangetic plain Aryan and Dravidian eventually mingled to produce a high culture, and this center was later reinforced by contributions from the northeast, coming from China.

In India many types of social organizations flourished from time to time, from the semi-democratic systems of the Aryans to despotic and monarchial forms of government. But the most characteristic feature of society was the persistence of the great social castes that were instituted by the Aryans in an effort to perpetuate racial identity. This elaborate caste system has been preserved on down to the present time.

Of the four great castes, all but the first were established in the futile effort to prevent racial amalgamation of the Aryan conquerors with their inferior subjects. But the premier caste, the teacher-priests, stems from the Sethites; the Brahmans of the twentieth century after Christ are the lineal cultural descendants of the priests of the second garden (of Eden), however their teachings differ greatly from those of their illustrious predecessors.

When the Aryans entered India, they brought with them their concepts of Deity as they had been preserved in the lingering traditions of the religion of the second garden. But the Brahman priests were never able to withstand the pagan momentum built up by the sudden contact with the inferior religions of the Deccan after the racial obliteration of the Aryans. Thus the vast majority of the population fell into the bondage of the enslaving superstitions of inferior religions; and so it was that India failed to produce the high civilization which had been foreshadowed in earlier times.

The spiritual awakening of the sixth century before Christ did not persist in India, having died out even before the Mohammedan invasion. But some day a greater Gautama may arise to lead all India in the search for the living God, and then the world will observe the fruition of the cultural potentialities of a versatile people so long comatose under the benumbing influence of an un-progressing spiritual vision.

My dear reader, the history of India is much more ancient and complex than our present day historians have imagined. Our history began a million years ago and so many big and small civilizations flourished and vanished over the Indian soil with every civilization making some big and small contributions to the succeeding generations of people. These contributions have been both biological and cultural.

We have been facing ups and downs in our culture and civilization for many many thousands of years and we will face such ups and downs for many many in the future too.

But every individual in every civilization has a goal. And that goal is to ensure living a life in spiritual harmony with the universal spiritual energy circuits while contributing to the material advancement of this world. And that is what Parampita Paramatma (the Universal Father Spirit - God) desires from the human beings of all lands including the land of India.

Learning to live in spiritual harmony means attainment of higher civilization and culture indicating maturity. Our struggles of life will continue till the majority of us attains maturity of mind.

[Information in italics taken from the Urantia-Book]


  1. As an Indian Christian, you are only trying to establish the superiority of your Christianity over the Indianess in your identity. The same technique as the false story about St.Thomas' visit to India. Please open your eyes and accept the greatness of India's Vedic Civilisation which is purely independent and one of the tallest watermarks of human civilisation so far.

    1. My dear anonymous friend!
      I do fully endorse what you said:
      1. St. Thomas never visited India
      2. India's vedic civilization was truly great.
      But will it pacify the unexplainable annoyance that is troubling your mind for reasons that you cannot logically explain?
      Listen to your own 'Antaratma' to honestly discern the truths from untruths by shedding your own pride and egos.
      By the way, I am an Indian Christian not because of my choice, but because of the accident of time, the same way you could have been an Anglican Hindu.
      I believe in human progress and mind development as the generations keep moving ahead. And I also believe that human mind progress would not happen if all humans keep their minds tied and entrapped in old habits and civilizaional mores! Making mind open to discard childhood imprints is indeed difficult for many my friend!


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