
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Narendra Modi-the New PM & CEO (India) Sets Examples for the Best Governance for All CEOs!

As a commoner of India, I feel happy when any other fellow Indian does something good for the nation and its people. I feel proud when some of those fellow Indians use their leadership and abilities for the betterment of this nation.

Just as many in this country, I had a gut feeling that Mr Narendra Modi has gained the qualities and experience properly mixed with personal leadership traits such as vision, enthusiasm and dynamism to take the mantles of the government of India at a crucial juncture when this great nation has slipped to make use of many past opportunities to be at par with many other developed nations of this globe even after having all the potentials in its store. 

With all such fellow men and women of this country, I wished Modiji go northward from Gujarat to Delhi  to occupy  the PM's chair from May 2014 to do some good for India by re-engineering the government machinery so that it works in a practical manner.

Swacch Bharat! Modiji's Vision Could Change India!

I felt happy that the people of India thought like me and made that possible.

I felt relieved and reassured because the inactivity and in-sensitiveness of the previous regime vanished into oblivion. Obviously dynamism with a purpose has set in the government!

News about such initiatives of dynamism has been pouring in.

Out of the many news that are pouring in day by day, this one that appeared in the Times of India internet edition provided an insight in to the style of working of the new PM. The news today was titled like this by TOI:

Work Without Fear, I'll Protect You, PM Modi

The new PM of India was addressing the senior bureaucrats of India who head the various ministries of the central government. 

The report also covered some interesting features regarding the PM's first meeting with India's top bureaucrats-the Secretaries who head the various ministries. Especially noteworthy are the following:

The PM personally met all the 70 odd bureau chiefs, first got introduced to them and made an honest effort to gain their rapport.

He encouraged these top ranking officials to open their hearts and give their suggestions and opinions to improve the system. A few of them responded.

Such a meeting initiated by the PM of India was happening for the first time after 8 years!

The new PM assured the professional managers of the government to take decisions without fear so that the governmental works move quicker. The political support for their work was re-assured.

Modiji would be the first PM of India who thought it fit to inspect the corridors of the various Mantralayas (Ministry offices) to check their neatness and tidiness. [Read this news!] Whether he actually inspected or not, this has had its effect already.

India is characteristically infamous for untidy public offices and unhygienic office toilets. Hardly any top Indian authority or CEO ever felt it essential to ensure the neatness, tidiness and hygiene of the offices and workplaces that are under their charge. They are happy if their own office cabins look great and are not bothered to spend any amount for that. It is like sitting in a five star cabin inside a filthy environment.

Such an attitude causes the large workforce to possess a general response reflective of hidden contempt within them. The net effect, the government systems and machinery does not perform! 

I had witnessed some of the inside activities of some of the central ministries in New Delhi. I had seen scores of government employees engaged in groups in the vast interior lawns wasting their times in many fold activities including certain kinds of gambling. And their officers of the elite IAS and the like cadres seemed to possess no will or intent to make things in order!

Modi ji is perhaps the first PM of India who realized this (the importance of well maintained ministry offices as a first step towards making the administration perform well)  and determined to set things right by seemingly simple, but effective acts. No one ever expected such a CEO act from the PM of India, going by the traditions!

Kudos to him!   

There are many more. Indians are waiting to see the good results.

It is indeed a good thing is that the new PM of India has set an example to the whole world that he is better than any corporate CEO when it comes to the basics of corporate management and governance.

It shows that India has now got a good PM who does not want to remain as a figure head only to enjoy some privileges but to assert as the determined CEO this nation to transform it to turnaround and perform well for the benefit of the people.

Let us hope that he would succeed in doing that great task!

Let us also hope that the lesser CEOs of the nation follow suit to accomplish their own tasks in the same manner in support of his vision to come true!


  1. Great blog posts of positive energy and thought leadership... kudos to you.

  2. It is unfortunate that the Modi Government too seems to slip away from the people of India by taking only routine acts of raising taxes, railway charges and import duties, etc and following the footsteps of the previous government in such things. " इन लोगों से भी कुछ नहीं होने वाला है" Yesterday a shopkeeper- a strong supporter of BJP during the election time- told me. In the Ranchi City elections held yesterday, the voter turnout was just 17% reflecting the general disillusion of the people. Let us genuinely hope that things would improve for the good!

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  4. Narendra Modi government has just completed one year in office. In a Federal set up like ours, most of the governance aspects that directly affect the people are vested with the state governements and the city governments. What Mr Modi has achieved is difficult to pin point by the common people. But one thing is clear. Modi has no doubt enhanced the charisma of the office of the PM of India. He is indeed a far reaching visionary among all other political leaders that we currently have. How far he would be able to make use of his charisma and vision for the benefit of the nation is some thing only time would tell.


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