
Monday, February 23, 2015

Which is the Most Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan in India? How to Get it?

How much electrical energy you use in a month for your very justified needs? How much money you pay to the electricity utility company per month for your electricity? 

Many of us Indians do understand the importance of saving energy, but we really are very reluctant to do something about it.

Ceiling fans are one of the electrical appliances which have come almost an indispensable in Indian homes and offices. In many middle class Indian homes at least one ceiling fan keep running on an average 20 hours a day for almost 300 days in an year.

Ceiling fans are not normally considered as high energy consuming devices. At least that is the general public perception.

A couple of decades ago, it was common that a ceiling fan with its speed regulator used to consume about 80 to 100 watts of electricity an hour.

With more and more energy efficient designs and with the introduction of electronic speed regulators, the average electrical power consumption of a normal sized ceiling fan has come down in the recent years. The best energy efficient ceiling fans as manufactured by reputed ceiling fan manufacturers now come with a wattage in the range of 45 to 60 watts. Ceiling fans now come with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star ratings. A few reputed suppliers have now 5 star rated ceiling fans which is considered as the best with respect to energy efficiency. 

For example a five star rated 1200 mm sweep ceiling fan of a reputed make consumes about 45 watts combined with its electronic speed regulator and costs about Rs. 2000/- per set. Larger fans of higher sweep may consume a few more watts per hour and costs a few hundred rupees more.

I was wondering whether there could be any further improvement in this regard and found that one Indian manufacturer has begun manufacturing and marketing a remarkably super efficient ceiling fan in the Indian market. 

This fan is marketed in the brand name-Superfan. It is manufactured by an innovative technology company located in south India called Versa Drives Private Limited, Coimbatore.

click the images for more details and buying them online

They manufacture many models of their super energy efficient ceiling fans in the superfan brand. You may visit this webpage for the technical details and also buying  these models.

These  models have sweep sizes of 1200 mm and 1400 mm and are all with the highest BEE energy star rating of five.

All these models have a maximum energy consumption ranging from 35 to 38 watts much lower than the best efficient models of other Indian manufacturers. 

Unlike conventional ceiling fans superfan models come in attractive colors. These hi tech fans do not require the regulator and are operated using remote controls. They are provided with very interesting and useful features

Suppose that you are using a normal ceiling fan which consumes about 60 watts of electrical energy. Suppose that you use this fan for about just one hour in a day.

That means you will use 60/1000 KW x 1 hr x 30 d = 1.8 KWh or units of electricity per month on account of this one fan used for just one hour a day.

Now a good majority of middle class homes in India have 3 to 4 ceiling fans and their combined use could be anything in the range of 10-20 hour in a day or even higher. That means a monthly electric consumption of 18 to 36 units or more on account of the fans.

Now suppose that you replace these fans by these superfans which consume only about 35 watts instead of the 60 watts of your old fans.

The net saving per fan is 25 watts per hour or about 0.75 units in a month for every hour of daily use of the fan.

If on the average your total daily use is 10 hours, your save 7.5 units. If it is 20 hours, you save 15 units.

The electricity tariff in most Indian cities and states are based on slab system. For example, Kerala used to be a state with lower electricity charges of less than a rupee per unit in the past for the domestic consumers whose consumption was less than 50 units per month. But in the recent years this has become more than double and stands at Rs. 2.8 per unit. For a family which uses over 200 units, the rate of tariff is R.7 per unit. [See this news report

In some states and in some cities, the rates are higher and the electricity charges is on an increasing trend. In the national capital Delhi, the rates are much higher. The rising electricity charges have become one of the major political issues there.

There are many other hidden charges as well. The commercial rates are much higher. Due to the slab system and the various hidden charges such as meter rent, installation cost, taxes, etc the actual cost varies from place to place.

Effectively, the average cost per unit (KWh) of electricity come out to be to the tune of 5 to 7 rupees as of now. It would keep rising year after year. 

India is becoming a power starved nation as the gross deficit in energy keep rising every year. Again, electricity production enhances various kinds of environmental hazards.

All these are ample reasons for India to find ways to curtail its energy consumption. Conservation of energy should be one of the prime policies for India.

Suppose you are able to save 15 units of electricity in a month by using super efficient ceiling fans. At Rs.5 per unit, you save Rs.75 in a month or Rs.900/- in an year. [You can calculate the savings and see the difference in this superfan webpage]

Due to superior technology, superfan models are costlier than other normally available ceiling fans in India. One may have to spend about Rs. 3000- 3500 for one superfan model while lesser efficient ceiling fans could be purchased at half the cost.

But these fans are worth that cost the additional cost is paid back within two or three years time. Besides these fans are aesthetically good looking and improves the decor of the home or office.

Suppose that about 5 million homes in Kerala state replace their fans with this new fan and save 15 units of electricity per month. With that kind of a saving, Kerala can immediately divert about 100 MW of electric power for industrial production! It amounts to about 16% of electricity production from the states biggest hydel electricity production facility at Idukki

I have just given an indicative energy saving potential by adopting a simple step. Energy saving by replacing the filament type electric bulbs with compact florescent lights (CFL) has given much saving in the past. Now, Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs are revolutionizing it. A 100 W filament bulb is more or less equivalent to a 40 W florescent tube which in turn is equivalent to an 11 W CFL. But an LED bulb of 4-5 W has the potential to reduce even that to half or even lesser. But at the present costs, the capital costs involved in saving one watt of lighting power by replacing CFL with LED comes to about Rs.50 per watt. The difference in price of a 5 W LED bulb and an 11 W CFL is about Rs.250. The LED light is costlier by about Rs.250.

A superfan too would be costlier in the same way as compared to a normal 5star energy efficient fan of equivalent capacity. But the superfan saves 25 W of electricity more than any other 5 star rated ceiling fan in the Indian market now.

Some time ago, superfan models were not very much available with the Indian retailers. 

But now the manufacturers of this fan, it seems, have adopted better marketing actions. Superfans can now be procured online from reputed e-shopping sites such asAmazon!

It is indeed a good thing. 

This is indeed a good independent make-in-India initiative, though established before the present 'Make-in-India' campaign  and needs to be appreciated.

While individual citizens can contribute much for energy saving by taking care of those few watts or kilowatts of power they consume for domestic purposes for fans, lights and other domestic electrical appliances, the potential for energy saving by commercial establishments too is substantial.

Imagine the national and individual savings when our offices install energy efficient fans, lights and air-conditioners in place of the old less efficient electrical equipment!

What is needed is a bit more attention to the details of our energy consumption by doing some energy audit and taking corrective actions.

Remember! Every watt of power saved not only gives financial benefits, but also save our environment from becoming more and more polluted. By using energy efficient electrical appliances and using them judicially, you could even save enough to consider taking another bank loan for some other purpose as your monthly energy saving could be equivalent to another loan EMI!

Our industrial design engineers and entrepreneurs should be encouraged to design and produce energy efficient appliances. 

Government should consider giving incentives for such initiatives.  


  1. First of all hats off to Mr. Sundar Muruganandhan, he bought us his innovative idea to real world. Beneficial of superfan saves electricity bill, cool breeze which attracts fields like industries, schools, colleges, croporates, restaurants,etc.This product comes with fun colors, unique designs and it is recommended to house holds.

  2. ceiling fans are the best to use during warm days because of its efficiency compared to air conditioners.

  3. Hi..
    Thank you for posting this blog and sharing this useful information many of us Indians do understand the importance of saving energy, but we really are very reluctant to do something about it.and Ceiling fans are one of the electrical appliances which have come almost an indispensable in Indian homes and offices , industries, schools, colleges, croporates, restaurants,etc.Exel Alternator .

    thank you

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  5. Buy Havells ceiling fan Water Heater Online visit myiconichome. They offer upto 15% for ceiling fan. Additional 5% offer for first time purchase.

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  7. Thanks for the wonderful information about quality and prices of various fans.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  10. Enormous information in just one blog post. Thanks for sharing such a useful info with us. great job keep updating!!!
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  11. Wonderful post! Select online in India energy saver ceiling lights @ very suitable prices. Get your all lighting need solution here.

  12. Nice info. Some more energy efficient fans launched last year. One of them consumes just 28 watts.


    1. Wow, so many energy efficient fans available in the market. Yes, I have checked out that 28 Watts consuming fan. Its name is Gorilla and it is manufactured by atomberg.

      Here is the website:

    2. This is a useful information. Atomberg is a new Indian company founded by IITians in 2015 that has started manufacturing another brand of energy efficient ceiling fans with brand name Gorilla fans. Each fan consumes about 28W in an hour as against about 75W of normal ceiling fans. Gorilla fans too work on Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) motor technology and are with remote control facility for convenient user control.
      These fans can be ordered online from the mfr website and each fan now costs around Rs.3500/-
      The company is new and small. I think such technology ventures should be encouraged by all who are concerned with energy conservation.

  13. Along with energy conservation measures we have to use Renewable Energy sources such as solar PV systems to save this environment.

  14. wonderful article. Thanks and please keep posting such articles on energy conservation

  15. Luminous, is a popular brand in India known for its cutting-edge products such as Fans. Luminous fans are beautifully designed and can add a touch of style to any room they are installed in. They are high on performance and produce good air delivery and less noise. Prices of Luminous fans are affordable. For Luminous Fans go to BatteryBhai.

  16. Nice informative post! I 100% agree with you that mostly all general people use ceiling fans at their home. Thanks a lot for sharing this post with us.

  17. Crompton Aura is the best ceiling fans ever in india, it is the most energy efficient fan and has low price as well.

  18. I would appreciate your efforts of bringing out all the energy efficient ceiling fans and the way you have presented top the reading users is effective and engaging. Best Ceiling Fans are always preferred by most of the users and they love to have a sleek and attractive design for their home or any work yards.

  19. Quite an impressive post mate.There many designer fans available in the market with many uniquely designed ceiling fan to suit your ling area or bedroom,there are also somevintage ceiling fan available now a days especially in

  20. I would like to add one more point to the above comment. A group of young and motivated individuals from India set out to build energy efficient appliances to help tackle India's energy crisis. Their product gorilla fans won the energy efficiency category award at The Cleantech Open Global Forum 2017.

    I glad to say that we are on the right path towards sustainable development.

    To get more information:

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Oren Ahronson Saving energy means decreasing the amount of energy used while achieving a similar outcome of end use. Using less energy has lots of benefits – you can save money and help the environment. Generating energy requires precious natural resources, for instance coal, oil or gas. Therefore, using less energy helps us to preserve these resources and make them last longer in the future.

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