
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wondering How Bloggers Make Money by Blogging? Important Things Bloggers Should Know!

Blogging is one of the first and foremost important method by which pieces of knowledge are created and stored in the various public domain computers networked in the world wide web called the internet.

Information so created by systematically typing, editing articles that are useful for others for knowing something they do not know much, but are interested to know are now called web logs or blogs. Blogs typically contain information in the form of texts, diagrams, images or video clips. These are all contents and blog writers or creators are also called content creators. Now-a-days, more and more people are attracted towards contents created in the form of video clips because videos are more effective in communicating ideas when created properly. Video blogs are now-a-days called Vlogs.

Additionally there are  contents created exclusively for entertainment or leisure. When texts, images, audio, video are all used for content creation, then we may call it multimedia content.

Several companies help content creators with useful software or application platforms by which contents can be created, edited, saved and shared publicly or privately using the internet using various kinds of computer or mobile browsers. They are the social media platforms such as Blogger, WordPress, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Search engine software such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc help in finding useful content available as saved in the internet server computers.

Social media companies employ thousands of people for managing the social media platforms and spend huge money while attempting to gain profits too.

Apparently, social media appear as free services for the users, but essentially nothing is free. They are all there for mutual benefits to every one.

The most common model by which social media companies make money is from advertisements of various kinds. In turn they share a part of their ad incomes with content creators such as blog writers and vlog creators.

A Blog Page with Ads placed by Google Adsense

Ads are basically for selling goods and services online. When ads reach more and more people, chances of more and more people procuring goods and services increase and sellers profits start increasing. In turn they spend money for ads. Social media ads in Google, YouTube, Blogger, WordPress, etc are therefore on the rise.

Thus content creators in social media platforms too get opportunity for making money provided their content pages are viewed by more and more people.

Now a days millions of freelance and paid content creators are creating and uploading billions of pieces of information over the internet. Similarly billions of internet pages are visited by internet users day in and day out. However, all contents are not viewed in the same rate. Some are viewed and shared by thousands of people in a short time. Such social media information pieces spread like viral disease and hence called 'viral'. 

In social media, content that is viral is potentially good for gaining some money.

In the pioneering years of the internet, search engines such as Google helped content to reach users who searched for useful content for them using 'key words'

But today, information also gets to many people when they 'share' content that they think as good or important with their friends or groups.

With the above background, it is easy to realize the main points that content creators should keep in mind when they create social media content and expect to make some good money by such an effort.

Let us see those points one by one:

1. The content created must be your own original creation and not copied from other sources. You may use information spread out in different places but it should never be something copied in part or full. Internet search engines usually discard copied information originally available elsewhere.

2. Your content should convey some useful thing by way of information or entertainment to the viewers.

3. It should be created using some popular creation platform in an appealing manner. Images, diagrams and video clips can enhance viewership. Blogger by Google, WordPress, YouTube, Facebook are the commonly used social media platforms. 

4. Your content should be easily downloadable by most computers and mobile sets. If your page uses complex layouts with heavy data, the user may not be able to get your page full in a short time. In other words, your page is not easy to get loaded in a user device. If that happens, users normally exit from it quickly and do not bother to view or read it fully.

5. Your page design must be proper for ads to be placed appealingly.

6. It is important that you share your content both with your friends and with the public when you made it for getting some income from ads.

6. When your content is too useful and when your viewership exceeds more than say 2500 in a day, you may start gaining some ad income. As the viewership goes higher, your chances of getting ad incomes paid by the social media companies also increase.

7. To get income from the social media companies like Google, you may have to register your YouTube channel or Blog site so created with them giving all relevant information asked. Google AdSense is a commonly used ad placement system.

8. It is also possible for you to gain ad income personally by negotiating with advertisers separately. However, for this to be effective, your daily viewership should be to the tune of thousands or more.