

Opinions of Indian Engineers

OpinionsOfIndianEngineers is a new blog website intended for Indian engineers to express their views and experiences, essentially for highlighting important things that they think as good to be placed in the public domain.

This site has been initiated by the author/administrator of Rajan C Mathew's Blogs as an exclusive platform for expressing views and opinions that mainly concern Indian engineers.

By initiating an additional blog site like this exclusively for engineers and engineering, the administrator tries to build a public media platform for Indian engineers to express their opinions to the Indian society so that the latter might get some additional insights in to the developmental issues of India.

The impact of sites like this may not be any thing great or appreciable. But it does have some effect and that can grow when like minded people support this kind of small efforts!

Essentially engineers need to be role models to the society instead of being projected as greedy opportunists who use their knowledge and expertise for fulfilling human greed! Such opinions do exist in the minds of the general public due to the misdeeds of a few engineers.

But the majority of engineers are not of that kind and are honest and devoted to their work. In reality, engineers are the nation builders and few realize the role engineers play in nation building.

The problem with the majority of engineers is that they keep doing their duties silently without ever making any serious effort to project their thoughts, feelings and experience with the rest of their country men or even their own fraternity. Given their intelligence and knowledge, it is nothing difficult for them to do it, but they seem apparently indifferent!

There are several problems and issues that affect the Indian engineering profession which in turn affect the Indian society as a whole. Some of the thoughts of the administrator and a few of his colleagues are being expressed in this site as initial blog articles. It is not necessary that every one should be agreeing to those thoughts!

Readers of this site, not necessarily Indian engineers but any one, may be doing a great service to all if they take some time to express their views using the comment tool at the bottom of every page.

Similarly, the administrator request other engineers to take up the role as voluntary administrators and contributors to this site.

Those who wish to place their thoughts/ views/ experiences on this site may send it by email to the administrator:

Website address-

e-mail id-

The administrator may use his discretion to edit or publish the articles so received if found necessary. Author's identity would be shown in the articles if requested by the author.

Serving professional engineers, unemployed engineers, engineering students, engineering graduates working in non engineering fields, technocrats , engineering businessmen, engineering academicians and retired engineers are requested to promote this site in whatever manner they may feel appropriate!

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