
Friday, June 19, 2015

Some Useful Financial Information and Calculators For Planning Your Loans and Pensions in India!

The following gives some useful links that may help people from Indian who are reasonably tech savvy to quickly ascertain their financial standings and to take informed decisions on availing home loans, personal loans, car loans, insurance and also make informed decisions to invest their money safely as per the services offered by various Indian banks and financial institutions. 

Whether it is saving money in bank deposits or availing loans from the banks, individual financial management needs to be done with due diligence. In other words, careless financial planning could bring great miseries!

Some time ago, I had written about the online banking service integrator portal, the which is an emerging IT company in India which helps people to take well informed decisions with regard to their banking needs. This blog is in continuation to that and may contain some redundant information.

Click on the following images to reach to the relevant pages of the best on line banking comparison and information site,

Are you looking for some bank loans in India? But before you do that check your eligibility and resources by taking help from the financial calculators given in this page. For more financial online calculators visit this site!

For various purposes like registering some one for online money transfer etc, one occassionally needs to know the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) of the bank branches in India. You can get it from this page

The bankbazaar portal also facilitates one to get appropriate life, health or car insurance from the various insurance companies in India.

Incidentally the bankbazaar company is in the expansion mode and they are in the look out for more people. Interested people with the right aptitude can lookout for their career options here!


  1. How do companies like this bankbazaar make money?
    What way the common man is benefitted?

    1. They are information integrators. They get paid for the useful information they supply to the banks for enhancing their respective business volumes.
      The common man also gets benefited essentially because he saves much time as information is provided much faster and reliably by computer programs. He would have spend much time and efforts for approaching the respective bank branches to know what kind of loan or FD would be better for him. It is a win-win situation for all the three parties, the individual, the info integrator and the banks!

  2. I want to share some information on loans. Loans are extremely important when one wants to invest in good projects. Information is really useful.


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