
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Water Purifiers for Home and Offices:Are They Really Needed? How to Get the Best?

Some of my readers might have read one of my earlier blog article wherein I had discussed some pertinent issues pertaining to drinking water safety in my own country India. [ If you haven't read it, click here to read that blog!]

While drinking water safety is a major concern for my nation, India, it cannot be presumed that it is very good and very safe in the developed nations of our world today. For various reasons, drinking water quality deterioration is a worldwide phenomena and it is directly linked to multifarious human developmental activities. The more the pupulation and the economic activities, the more likely the water of that region becoming potentially hazardous to drink.

I remember drinking water directly from the open well of my village home in Kerala state during my childhood days without any kind of water treatment. Underground water filtered out by the layers of soil had been considered pure and safe in those days! But as the population increased and the number of dwelling units per unit area increased, it is no more safe to presume the quality of any underground well water.

For that matter, no water as naturally available in populated regions can be considered of having reasonably good quality for consuming directly without proper treatment.

Why it is so? Water is a universal solvent and cleaning agent. We use it for drinking, cooking, washing utensils and cloths, cleaning our homes and automobiles, horticulture, piscicultrue, leisure and several kinds of industrial uses. In all those processes, an equivalent quantity of wastewater is generated which we discharge to the natural drainages with or without some kind of waste water treatment.

Normally we do not bother to do any elaborate waste water treatment unless the statutory authorities compel us to do so. In most part of the world, waste water treatment methods for individual homes and small communities either do not exist or are not mandatorily enforced. Even for the industries, water pollution control methods are not strictly followed for several reasons including high costs, ignorance, lack of adequate technology and indifference.

Normally, a good majority of polluting substances mixed in waste waters, such as human excreta, pathogenic microorganisms and many other polluting substances picked up by water when it is used, get naturally bio-degraded provided the waste water gets sufficient time for the bio-degradation process to complete. However, with higher water usage on account of population growth and modern human needs, these natural processes do not get completed before the water is again drawn for further use.

Besides, there are many substances that usually get into water from various sources that do not get bio-degraded or removed completely by natural processes. These include various kinds of fertilizers, chemicals used for pest control, medicines used for disease control, chemicals used for washing and cleaning, hormones used for plant and animal productivity enhancements, radioactive waste effluents from thermal and nuclear power plants, hydrocarbon chemicals from autofuels and chemical plants, waste leaches from solid wastes and inferior plastics, etc.

Even water that looks apparently clean and hygienic, cannot be determined as fully safe, in such a scenario unless it is elaborately tested and certified.

However, high level water testing and certification is not practical. 

When water that we drink contains certain impurities in small quantities, it is sometimes difficult for us to know about it. When the color, turbidity, odor and taste are not upto our liking, we may reject it if we have other better options. But as water is becoming scarce in many parts of the world, we do not necessarily enjoy such a privilege of selecting water of our choice!

Then, how do we safely transform the water that we have to something really safe and pleasurely drinkable?

Large water treatment facilities are indeed expensive and only large industries can afford it. And the industries treat water in large treatment plants when they find it essential for their industrial operations.

For homes and offices, one may resort to getting piped muncipal water or getting bottled mineral water as marketted by the treated water suppliers. There are also several kinds of domestic water treatment gadgets available in the markets all of which claim to convert your available pipe water supply to safe drinking water.

Such domestic water purifier systems are numerous. Some of them use simple catridge filters while some others have a complex series of treatment modules that perform coarse filtration, fine filtration, odor removal, dissolved solid removal by reverse osmosis and finally doing disinfection by ultraviolet radiation or some other methods.

While such domestic water purifier units may do some good, they cannot be considered as a universal solution to all kinds of water purification purposes. That is because of the varying levels of impurities in the source water that may be available from place to place.

I have been examining the various kinds of water treatment products that are available in the world market today. While some companies make reasonably good products, all cannot be considered in the same way. All products have merits as well as demerits. It is difficult for the common user to differentiate between such products.

Recently I have come across a US water treatment specialist company which produce and market domestic water purification equipment in the tradename PureEffectFilters.

Their website provides much information and their water purifier units use high quality microfiltration catridges of appropriate designs to remove all kinds of unwanted impurities from almost all kinds of water while retaining all the essential water salts and minerals in the water.

They call their water purifier units as the water re-vitalizers because these ultra filtration systems only remove unwanted impurities from water while enhancing some of the potable qualities of water by improving its taste and freshness. 

The company's water purifiers are available not only in the United States of America (USA), but also marketted worldwide and can be ordered online.

Those interested in knowing more about water and the differences between various water purifier systems and units should explore their website. 

It is time that we start giving importance to the water we use. Let us not unknowingly cause our body systems to degenerate and cause unidentified sicknesses by consuming water containing unidentifiable impurities. 

Spending some money for getting the best kind of water purifier at home or office, just as the airconditioner or the refrigerator, should not be considered as a wasteful expenditure. I would say, it is an essential thing now.

I would suggest my readers to share this blog with their friends. I would also suggest some of them to be an associate or affiliate of PureEffectFilters in helping them to reach out to more and more people who might think of using a proper water purifier essential for good living!


  1. We get treated drinking water supplied by the municipality through pipes in our flats. Even then some people are installing RO filters in their homes. Is it necessary?

    1. Normally speaking there is no need for any further water treatment when treated water is supplied by the municipal authorities through pipes. Yet there are some risks involved even in this case.

      Firstly, the risk of contamination of the piped water from external sources. In many places, sewage pipes and channels of the cities run parallel to the water supply pipes. Many times, the water supplies are intermittent cauing the water supply pipes to get emptied and create a vacuum inside sucking some sewage even when the piple appear as non-leaking.
      Secondly, the water source that the treatment plant uses for preparing the treated water has a higher contamination than the treatment plant's design capacity for treatment. This causes inadequate water treatment.
      Thus it is not a bad idea to have a desk top or wall mounted secondary treatment system within the homes to remove any virus, bacteria and other disease forming germs that remain in the treated water due to inadequacies in the system.
      But domestic water purifiers with reverse osmosis (RO) catridges are normally not required if the water is low in its dissolved solid content or hardness levels. Normally municipal treatment plants get water from surface water sources and these contain low hardness and dissolved solids. When this kind of a water is further treated in RO systems, they cause the water to lose some of its useful mineral content which is not desirable for drinking water.
      RO systems should be considered when you have tubewell water with high dissolved solids or hardness and a disagreeable taste.

  2. Hi,

    Water purifiers is useful for drinking water.

    Kids School in OMR

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