

Forgotten Stories 
as experienced by the author during his professional work life with
 Steel Authority of India Limited 
at Bhilai and Ranchi from 1980 to 2016 

Way back during the beginning months of 1980 the author was an young man just at the verge of completing his post graduation in Chemical Engineering from one of the most prestigious engineering institutions available in India at that time-the University of Roorkee, which used to be the Thomason College of Civil Engineering earlier and the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, later. It was destiny working through self made decisions that got the author landed in Bhilai as an young technical officer of Steel Authority of India Limited in its premier integrated steel plant unit at Bhilai, the Bhilai Steel Plant in April 1980.

Before landing the remote north Indian  town of Roorkee  way back in 1978 March, the author had just completed his Bachelor of Science (Engineering) degree in Chemical engineering from the Government Engineering College, Trissur . Again it was destiny playing through self decisions that made the author to leave his home state and move to north India.

The author thought it to be of some interest to some of this blog readers to learn about some past  incidental experiences while he worked as an engineer. A few such incidences have been written earlier either using this blog platform or the other. This page is intended to be an index page of those random blogs already published or going to be written now or later.

As the readers of this blog site, though not many, being from all over the globe, the author would prefer to use both his mother tongue, Malayalam, and English for writing these professional experience stories. English would be preferred for telling stories that would be of some general interest while Malayalam would be for those to be told only to those from my home state Kerala.

These professional life story blogs will be with appropriate titles: in Malayalam for Malayalam font articles and in English for English blog articles. All these blog titles are proposed to be listed below in this page. All of them would be hyperlinked and clicking those hyperlinked titles would open the blog article concerned.

The author is not sure the usefulness of these professional experience articles. As reading habits and curiosity of people are on a declining trend in India as of now, what purpose would these serve is something not much important. Yet, they would cover humor, life philosophy and hard facets of human evolutionary struggles in the small domain of conventional engineering work field in India.

You may read those by clicking the hyperlinked titles below:

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