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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Some Blog Articles that You Would Never Like or Share Because they are Bitterly True!

There are some contemporary topics about which the author of this site has given some deep thinking resulting in some articles that have already been published in this site.

These thoughts or ideas may not be very much palatable to people who are inclined towards day to day living only.

People who are biased with their own religious beliefs or political inclinations may not like these.

Those who think they are well informed and well connected may not like these thoughts from an ordinary fellow with no patronage from big personalities or celebrities of the society.

People who are averse to reading may not have the patience to read these.

Now those minuscule numbers of individuals who happen to read these may not agree to these ideas or thoughts.

People keep opposing ideas or thoughts of others. Click here to know why?

Why do we have conflicts too often? Click here to know more!

For example what possible errors we as individuals, societies or as nations keep doing that cause pandemics such as Covid-19. Click here to know what this author think about it!

Does our democratic systems of governance has any thing to do with out problems? Click here to know!

Are there any method by which we can improve our societies or nations? Click here to read the thoughts of the author!

I find most people do have some enthusiasm in life with several passions that keep them going. But what happens when your enthusiasms overtake your wisdom? Read this thought!

How do you feel about these thoughts?

Would you share this or any of these articles with any of your friends or family?

If not would you mind expressing your views in the comments below?

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